OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: mantis for tickets instead of trac?

The content of this topic has been archived on 15 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

the current setup with trac is not very good because:

o) end users can only enter new tickets but cannot annotate them
o) end users do not get notifications when their tickets are updated
o) there is no way for end users to subcribe to existing tickets to track their activity
o) end users are not allowed to attach files on tickets
o) due to the way trac is setup, there's no way for end users to register for accounts

there are few enough tickets in trac that it would not be much of a problem to move them to mantis. there are only 35 open tickets at the moment.

and yes, i'll volunteer to set up mantis and transfer all existing tickets.

bani wrote:

the current setup with trac is not very good because:

o) end users do not get notifications when their tickets are updated

They can : they need to add their address in Cc: when creating the ticket.

to not send ticket updates to the reporter is rather silly though. and all the other problems still stand.

bani wrote:

the current setup with trac is not very good because:

o) end users can only enter new tickets but cannot annotate them
o) end users do not get notifications when their tickets are updated
o) there is no way for end users to subcribe to existing tickets to track their activity
o) end users are not allowed to attach files on tickets
o) due to the way trac is setup, there's no way for end users to register for accounts

there are few enough tickets in trac that it would not be much of a problem to move them to mantis. there are only 35 open tickets at the moment.

and yes, i'll volunteer to set up mantis and transfer all existing tickets.

Mantis is not an option. I do not like it. I like the simple trac ticketsystem.

May be add some feature requests to trac....

the trac developers have already rejected these requests many times.

the only option is a plugin, which the trac developers say to use:

will you install it?


At least latest Trac (0.9.3) which I use has an option to always send e-mail notifications for tickets to reporter (an also current owner) - therefore no need to enter yourself again Cc.
It may be workthwile to consider upgrading to latest Trac as there are many new features...

this does not solve the issue that users are unable to annotate tickets they create.
also unable to remove themselves from cc.

I'd imagine it's as simple as this:

trac-admin <RepositoryDirectory> permission add anonymous TICKET_MODIFY

The discussion might have continued from here.