OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: New Packages: bash and FireHOL

The content of this topic has been archived on 5 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I have just created ipkg packages for bash 3.1 and FireHOL 1.231.  bash was ported because FireHOL requires it.  FireHOL, for those that are not already aware, is a very powerful, but simple to use firewall configuration tool.

The bash binary is of course relatively large (~780K), but for those with access to additional storage this shouldn't be a problem.  In addition, FireHOL need only run once, as the included init script saves the generated rules so that they can be restored with iptables-restore.  This is highly desirable as firehol's runtime can be a couple of minutes.

Issues you may encounter:
1) I had to copy /etc/services from another machine of mine...otherwise iptables could not resolve some of the port names
2) FireHOL complains and prints some warnings unless you copy the kernel's .config file to /lib/modules/2.4.30/build/.config   The warnings are harmless though.
3) You will probably have to manually add a file to /etc/modules.d to load the kernel modules your generated rules use.  Modules I needed: ipt_ULOG, ipt_limit.
4) After you are happy with your firewall, you will want to do something like:
"ln -s /etc/init.d/firehol /etc/init.d/S45firehol"
to make FireHOL start on bootup.  You'll likely want to remove the S45firewall symlink that starts the default firewall.

I could not get FireHOL to automatically load the necessary kernel modules...although it has a feature to do that, it appears to depend on modprobe, and a simple replacement with insmod did not appear to work.

These are my first packages....please test and point out any issues.

Oh, one question:  How can I tell the packaging system that the firehol package is for all architectures?  I have "Architecture: all" in my control file, but the generated .ipk still says "mipsel".



Package source and .ipk's:

I've updated the packages for bash and firehol.

The bash binary is now 413KB after disabling many options.

firehol now installs to an init priority after S45firewall, and by default does not run firehol if saved iptables rules are not found.  The idea is that one would:

1) Edit firehol.conf
2) run "firehol save"
3) Reboot the router (or run /etc/init.d/firehol)

This way there isn't a ~3 minute delay on bootup if the rules don't already exist, and also the bash binary is not required to be available at bootup (like if it is kept on removable or networked storage).  If the saved rules are not found, the default OpenWrt firewall is kept.

The discussion might have continued from here.