OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Buffalo WBMR-HP-G300H trunk builds

The content of this topic has been archived on 31 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I open this thread to let you know that I started a blog for this router.
I usally compile a new trunk build every sunday unless something is not working.

Any suggestion are welcome smile

Here's the link:

love it. thank you peps1iko : )

I have from Version R33530 PPPOE problems, Connect on Demand
Once selected connect on demand, no connection is established., there remains the dsl sync.

root@OpenWrt:~# /etc/init.d/dsl_control status
Chipset:                Ifx-AR9 1.2
Line State:             UP [0x801: showtime_tc_sync]
Data Rate:              17.693 Mb/s / 1.183 Mb/s
Line Attenuation:       1.2dB / 13.9dB
Noise Margin:           15.7dB / 13.9dB
Line Uptime:            7h 21m 50s
in the very old version r31047 (kmod-pppoe3.1.10-1) connect on demand goes without problems, with all newer versions only goes the permanent connection.

(Last edited by Myst70 on 23 Jan 2013, 14:42)

Dial on demand is broken in OpenWrt and there are no plans to fix it.

Old Version r31047 (kmod-pppoe 3.1.10-1) is Dial on demand not broken.
I have already tried to install an old version kmod-pppoe with opkg, but this is unfortunately not because the kernel.
Attempting the older kmod-pppoe version with opkg - force-reinstall install, opkg-force-overwrite function to force install, etc. that either.

Yes, the old version didn't use the netifd infrastructure yet. The problem is completely unrelated to the version of the Kernel pppoe support. It is a matter of pppd and netifd interaction.

Oh thank you, I had known just before (after 3 days of testing).
It is, as so often, everything is new is not always better, well then I'll stick with my old version.

The problem is to get to the old Sources ran, there is only the new with this error.

I  added on the blog a small how-to video to compile a build trunk for this router smile

blog moved to nayaka dot de

The discussion might have continued from here.