OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: stuck with DSL Modem behind Router

The content of this topic has been archived on 10 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

after trying for hours since yesterday i'm totally frustrated...

Here's my Layout:

DSL Modem (DLink 321B) <-> OpenWRT Router with BackFire (Netgear WNDR3800, 4 eth0 ports + 1 wan) <-> Switch <-> Clients

I get access to WAN with modem in bridge mode and entering all the ppoe stuff in the wan-section in /etc/config/network. 

Now i want the modem NOT in bridge mode, so i can switch the adsl modem with a cable modem for example without changing any setting in my router.

But i can't get it to work sad My Modem has access to the Internet, but i cannot ping outside from my router.

What's the proper setting in /etc/config/network for this, i think it's not that complicated but i'm stuck here sad

thanks ahead!


You underspecified your problem. What mode does your modem offer that is the alternative to your »bridge mode«? Does the modem do the PPPoE login by itself then?

What does it offer to the inside of the network? DHCP? In that case a simple stanza like the following should do it. (It’s actually the default)

config interface wan
    option ifname    eth1
    option proto    dhcp

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towolf wrote:

You underspecified your problem. What mode does your modem offer that is the alternative to your »bridge mode«? Does the modem do the PPPoE login by itself then?

yes, modem has all the pppoe logins by itself and status says that it's connected to inet.

towolf wrote:

What does it offer to the inside of the network? DHCP? In that case a simple stanza like the following should do it. (It’s actually the default)

config interface wan
    option ifname    eth1
    option proto    dhcp

thats exactly my setting.

my modem has a built-in dhcp-server, which i switched on an off - with no luck.

modem's ip is (i can't ping modem from router when connected to wan port, is that normal?)

router's ip (cannot ping any wan ip from router, like nor any domain name)

thanks so much for the help!

modem and router LAN ip addresses must be in different subnets if you use wan port and NAT...

nebbia88 wrote:

modem and router LAN ip addresses must be in different subnets if you use wan port and NAT...

tried that, gave modem, router, still no luck.

do i need to connect both router and modem with a cross link perhaps if connected to wan port? i can't even ping my modem from router, when i plug the cable into wan port of my router.

What happens when you plug your PC into the modemdirectly ? What IP do you get assigned? Does it work?
What happens when you plug the OpenWrt router? What IP is assigned to wan? When it’s assigned, paste ifconfig.

I’m surprised it assigns to the router. That doesn’t sound very likely. wan and the modem have to be in one subnet, lan has to be another subnet.

The discussion might have continued from here.