OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: SFTP server

The content of this topic has been archived on 12 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi there,
I am new in OpenWrt stuff. I have an external HDD mounted on /mnt/shares. I would like to have an sftp server running on the router to access files on /mnt/shares. I would like to create a new user with password and use these credentials to connect via sftp to this share. I already have openssh-sftp-server package installed I just did not find how to configure it. Thanks a lot for your help.

You don't need to configure the SFTP subsystem, it hooks seamlessly into the SSH server. All you need to do to make it available is setting a root password.

To add another user account to the system, you can install "shadow-adduser", then run "adduser username" followed by "passwd username".

The discussion might have continued from here.