OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: How to access an OpenWRT box by SSH from remote?

The content of this topic has been archived on 6 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I've enabled an SSH server (system-administration->ssh access) listening on a non-standard port (822) of the WAN.
It simply doesn't work.
But it works if I redirect it to an internal SSH server in network->firewall->redirections.
I think the firewall is blocking that traffic, but have no idea on how to fix it.
Any idea?

I figured it out.
1.1 Either enable the SSHD over "unspecified" interface (System->Adnministration->SSH access-->Dropbear instance).
1.2 Or create a new SSHD instance over the wan interface (possibly with a non-default listening port).
1.3 Save & Apply
2.  Allow that traffic in Network->Firewall->Rules by adding a new rule like this one:
2.1  Name: whatever you like (It's optional)
2.2 Source zone: WAN
2.3 Protocol: TCP
2.4 Destination port: whatever you defined in Port setting in step 1.1 or 1.2
2.5 Action: accept
2.6 In Advance options put "Restrict to address family" to "IPV4 only" (or whatever else applies to your setup)
2.7 Save & Apply

The discussion might have continued from here.