OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: making.bootloader.partition.writable

The content of this topic has been archived on 24 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I looked at … n.writable and I am having trouble with one command.
I modified the apropriate file for my router and recompiled. When I try " mtd write /tmp/uboot.mod u-boot " i get hte following err:

Could not open mtd device: u-boot
Can't open device for writing!

what is wrong here? should I try mtd unlock mtdo??


cat /proc/mtd

Did you also run "make target/linux/clean" ? Just running "make" after modifying the file is not enough.

Thanks. I tried that but I am still getting that error. How can I confirm that the frirmware compiled with the u-boot partition (mtd0) in writeable mode?


The discussion might have continued from here.