OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Help with adding new target

The content of this topic has been archived on 31 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I want to add a new target of a ebox3300

I've added a new folder under the x86 target called ebox
modified the Makefile in the x86 folder
In the ebox folder I've added a config.default with the correct kernel config
In the ebox folder I've added a listing the additional kernel modules needed.

When I use the make menuconfig at the top level the new ebox target is there and can be selected. However, the additional kernel modules listed in the file are not included. If I do the build the kernel is built using the correct config file.

I must have missed something and the documentation doesn't see to taly with how the build system works under trunk.

Any help / pointers appreciated.


The problem is caused by menuconfig not being auto rebuilt to take into account the new target. Removing the tmp dir and then make menuconfig causes menuconfig to be rebuilt and everything appears to now work.


The discussion might have continued from here.