OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Unstable ping on WNDR3700, Trunk ~24690

The content of this topic has been archived on 22 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I've installed trunk on my WNDR3700.
it's pretty minimalistic build: base + luci + qos + upnp + ath9k + ddns
when connected on 2.4Ghz (g+n, 40 Mhz, 5 + 1, wpa2) I can see very unstable ping from my laptop with intel 4965agn card.
before I remember seeing vast majority of latencies <1ms.
now they're regularly around 3-10ms with spikes (at least once a minute) to 100+ms.
some packets also get lost. small percentage though, like 0.1%

I have confirmed that it's not problem with 4965, because in same time I can see spikes/dropped packets on laptop I see lags or even disconnection from game server on xbox 360s, which is connected via wifi too.

I tried disabling all that I can safely disable: qos, miniupnpd, firewall, usb, cron.
it doesn't change anything though.

one thing I've checked is file /sys/kernel/debug....ath9k/recv has quickly running up number in UNDERRUN field, and 10x smaller number of CRC errors.

I wonder if it's known problem and I'm missing something or I should go ahead and open bug on it.


I have rolled back to factory firmware, which resolved the problem.


The discussion might have continued from here.