OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Samba3 on 10.3 and a DNS-120 NAS (ADM5120) Won't Start

The content of this topic has been archived on 3 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi all,

I am having a problem getting Samba3 to work on my DNS-120. I know this is really old hardware, but I just want to get the samba server installed and use it to share usb devices. I am an OpenWRT beginner, but I have managed to get OpenWRT installed, on the network, booting the usb and using a 1gb usb key as storage. OpenWRT Backfire 10.3 RC3.

I cannot get the samba server to work, however. I tried installing samba-server and samba-common but I wasn't able to get it to work - it ran, but I couldn't resolve it from any computer. I tried adding the hostname in the /etc/hosts file and it didn't help. I am able to ping the NAS from console by its Hostname on the NAS but not from the network.

Since samba2 wasn't working, I install luci-app-samba. First, no configuration screen for Samba appears in Luci. Beyond that, when I run the samba server by /flash/etc/init.d/samba start I get the following error:

/etc/rc.common: line 78: smbd: not found
/etc/rc.common: line 78: nmbd: not found

and a check of PS does not show running samba server. I have read things to the effect that smbd and nmbd are not included with samba3, but I am at a loss as to why I can't start the service it if they aren't required. I would really like some help with this, and believe me I read for 2 days straight before asking in the forums.

thanks in advance, I'll be happy to provide any output if you can tell me what the commands are.

(Last edited by Jaguarius on 30 Apr 2010, 21:19)

Try to install the package samba3
opkg update
opkg install samba3

Then see if you have nmbd or smbd in /bin

I think the problem probably lies in the fact I am installing the samba server on usb. I don't have enough internal flash to install it, so I installed it to /flash which is where I mounted my usb stick.

Do I need to edit /etc/rc.common in some way to point to the /bin folder on my flash? The files smbd and nmbd are indeed there in /flash/bin. If I run them manually, I don't see them in PS. And when I run samba, it still says smbd and nmbd not found when I run it.


I created a symlink from /flash/bin/smbd and nmbd to /bin/smbd and nmbd and samba does not give an error any longer when trying to start it, however it is not running when I look in PS. Don't know where to go from here.

Try to start samba from CL and see if it print some errors.
Could be that you are missing some library modules, since it is installed on extenal media.
/etc/init.d/samba start
or you can try something like:
smbd -F -s /etc/samba/smb.conf

If complaining about mission modules, they are probably installed on the /flash device?
Look after /lib on your flash device, Then add something like this line to /etc/profile:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/flash/lib:/flash/usr/lib

BTW: You can also change the export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin to include your /flash/bin binary so you dont have to symlink every binary you install

The discussion might have continued from here.