OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Hardware Recommendation

The content of this topic has been archived on 10 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Dear all,

I am currently using Kamikaze 8.09 on my WRT54GL and want to do some development for my PhD thesis. However, the WiFi performance of my current system is really bad, therefore I consider of buying a new hardware. I've looked at the Table of Hardware in the Wiki and didn't come to a conclusion. I actually I don't know if the information there is up-to-date since many of the devices listed there are not available (too old or too new I guess).

I'd need a hardware that can run the 2.6 kernel and provide good wireless performance. Support of QoS (WME) is a plus.
Can anyone give me a recommendation which hardware to buy?

Thanks in advance,

If you don't have a budget, the Ubiquiti RouterStation and RouterStation Pro boards are very high quality. Fast CPU, lots of flash and RAM. You can insert your wireless card of choice as well (Ubiquiti sells them too.)

Support for these boards is present in OpenWRT Trunk.

The discussion might have continued from here.