OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Unbricking Nas

The content of this topic has been archived on 5 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have a bad MVix MBox NAS WDN-2000. I create the serial (and tftp) connect. When I get on the nas I push the ctrl-c and I am in boot menu. I can create images and upload the files but I don't find good firmware for this nas. I try the opengemini but  not good. (OpenGemini: I upgrade on nas the kern, VCTL, CurConf and Boot but I can't upgrade the FIS directory. by load command I try upload the FIS directory bin file to good address but it's too large. When I reboot the NAS make a reset) Somebody tell me a compatible firmware? or somebody tell me how upgrade the nas from default Mvix firmware (bin) file? i read many page from tinky, openwrt gemini, dual hdd  and giga nas.

cstamas82 wrote:

I try upload the FIS directory bin file to good address but it's too large.

I am not sure if splitting the firmware approach as shown on the Restoring original firmware section of Netgear WGT634U will do the trick. Let us know.

The discussion might have continued from here.