Sorry this isn't really on topic but someone here might be able to help.

I have a zhone 6228 (bonded ADSL router with two BCM96358s) which bricked itself during an official firmware update from the GUI.

I managed to open it up and identify serial monitor connections and watch the CFE boot which announced

"*** Board is not initialized properly ***"

After guessing at the board parameters it asked for it carried on booting and appeared to be functional with the old firmware (the CFE might have been updated). I attempted the firmware update again from the GUI and watched it happen without problem on the monitor. I have been trying to get the required board configuration information out of zhone for 4 days now, I can't believe they seem to be having difficulty providing such simple and essential information.

Can someone offer guidance on these configuration guesses?

Number of MAC addresses - the router has wireless and two consecutive MAC addresses on the label, I entered 2 with the first address on the label as the base address - does that sound right?

PSI Size - the range is 1-128k with 128k default which I used. From searching the web it seems most boards use a lower value. I have no idea what this does is the size critical? is the default likely to be what is required?

Main thread number [0|1] - used default 0 - right?

Hardware version (maximum 16 words) - No default and no idea. I suppose completely device specific if it needs something. After leaving it blank and it being the last item it asked for it said "unknown PHY type" then reported the CPU speed etc. The Ethernet is working and I don't see an "unknown PHY type" on subsequent boots - should I worry?