OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Freescale MPC8377 kernel update?

The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi everybody,
I actually have on my desk a Freescale MPC8377EWLAN, an enterprise router.
It runs openWRT, kernel 2.6.25.

Did anyone succeed into updating openWRT and kernel version on this machine?

I'd love tu run wifi 802.11s mesh on this nice need a kernel > 2.6.26..

Any hint appreciated, thanks!

Well, honestly we don't have access to this platform at all. Did you get the sources with it?

I got some backup images, and patches to 2.6.25 kernel.
Seems i'd be able to build packages using LTIB.

Any chances i'd succeed cross compiling latest kamikaze on this board?

Not without adding support for the platform and the board itself. Can you upload the patches somewhere?

I'll check if I can smile

i've been through freescale website, and found Linux Board Support Packages.

Linux Board Support Packages (BSPs) for Freescale Silicon are tested, certified and frozen, ensuring a fully operational tool chain, kernel and board specific modules that are ready to use together within a fixed configuration for specific hardware reference platforms. These BSPs, combined with CodeWarrior tools, provide the foundation you need to begin your project quickly.

All Freescale Linux BSPs include:

    * Linux kernel & Device drivers
    * Applications/Services
    * Libraries
    * GNU Tools (compilers, linkers, etc.)
    * Deployment mechanisms

Some features of a chip or an evaluation board may not be enabled by a Linux BSP. Please review the features listed in the “Devices Support” section of each Linux BSP information page. Each Linux BSP link provides detailed information on the version of the kernel, glibc, gcc, etc., as well as information about which applications and services are included within a specific BSP.

There you go, free to download, and inside the ISO should be the patches to kernel that you need.

Hope this could be useful to get hint about how to compile a kernel >2.6.26.


Last time I've tried to download it it redirected me to a submission form, which after completing told me Freescale will review my download request -- and nothing happened after.. I'll recheck later this week when I'll have some time for it.

The discussion might have continued from here.