OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: WRT350N RAM upgrade woes

The content of this topic has been archived on 28 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have soldered onto my WRT350N v1 two MT46V32M16FN-5B 64MB chips. My sdram_config variable is set to 0x32 and my sdram_init value is set to 0x0111, following this page.

Currently, all that happens when the router is booted is that all the lights flash on and off with the power light blinking, and then all the lights stay off (except they appear to be slightly lit after a second or two from the lights flashing off). I've been able to JTAG without a hitch so far but the router still doesn't boot. Also, the switch ports aren't lining up to the correct LEDs, and all connected devices are having their packets forwarded to each other. The router won't respond to pings at all.

What gives? I'm pulling my hair out over this because without the router the rest of the household will get pretty sick of not having internet access...

Hi SC_modder, I'm currently writting a doc on how to upgrade the 350N, and most likely apply the theory to other routers.  Where did you get the 0x0111 though? I have the same ram modules coming in the mail right now so I have not tested anything, but here is what I figured out:

Bit 0

Bit 1
0 -> 32bit
1 -> 16 bit

Bits 4 3 2 respectively:
000 -> 8bit column width
010 -> 9 bit column width
100 -> 10 bit column width

Bit 13
0: External Clock
1: Internal Clock

With 0x0111
You would get bit 12 as 1 (don't forget, we start counting at bit 0).  I think that you wanted to put the Internal clock setting? that would have been 0x2011, although I don't think that you want to set it to the internal clock.
The number I was goign to try was 0x0011 unless I missed something.  The clock should be handled the same way as before correct?

Let me know if this helps

(Last edited by BugVito on 22 Jan 2009, 17:08)

The discussion might have continued from here.