OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: 2 Rb133c in same switch

The content of this topic has been archived on 13 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hey guys I have 2 Rb133c with kamakazee varient installed they work just fine individually
However when I put both these router boards in same switch they just stop responding properly

Actual scenario:
Consider Rb133c_1 is set to
and Rb133c_2 is set to statically
Now if I start Rb133c_1 and then Rb133c_2
ping result is good for Rb133c_1
However ping result for b133c_2 returns : reply from host unreachable

In the same way if Rb133c_2 is started before Rb133c_1
then ping result is good for Rb133c_2
while ping result for Rb1333c_1 returns : reply from host unreachable

Why is it happening so?
the switch I'm using is of linksys

What is the MAC address of each of the RB133Cs?

Both of them are same 00:41:44:4d:51:20 and i don't know how to change
i tried ifconfig eth0 hw address but the same thing happens

Well I don't know how to change it either, sorry.

ifconfig eth0 hw ether <mac address> does change mac address i can put it in init.d however can't I automate it
Here I have to read mac shipped with each Rb and put it in init.d Does anybody know how to read it from bios because thats
the mac they used to give with RouterOS

Just let me know if I can read mac address while installing kernel or rootfs
Thank you

The discussion might have continued from here.