Hi all, does someone have some mods for a wap54g (3.1 eu)

actualy i'm looking for a way to get more memory in the damn thing..

so i toke a look at several sd-card mod (mmc) but there are only manuals for wrt's and all.
also googled for usb ports, no luck here either.

there are several (not in use) connectors on the board (CONN1 and RJP1)
it's a WAPB-162GL_VOO board.

uses a broadcom 5352 chip

i would try things out if it's possible, but i need some hits, clues and all on what is what
what ports (GPIO) i need ect ect.

let me know if there are know mod's or if there is some links or help on the topic

coz' this AP has to little memory to put even a normal image on it. (micro only)

