OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: SD memory question

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I just finished installing inside a ver 2 wrt54g a sd card and I am trying to undrestand what I have to do next in order to operate the extra storage.
Do I have to recompile the kernel for dos and vfat using vmware and ubuntu or there is an quicker way?
Can I work with a precompiled module or I also have to build this?

Thanks a lot.

Depending on your distro (Kamikaze vs. WhiteRussian) the module files are called:

Filesystem kmods are:



For MMC driver search the forums, there is plenty of posts regarding this.

.....This post could be a good place to start:

(Last edited by macsat on 9 Jan 2008, 08:59)

Thanks, I 've managed to format it as ext2 and it works fine. Now I will try to follow the other howtos for installing packages on it.
Is there a difference if I use ext2 instead of vfat?

ext2 is way faster with openwrt than vfat.

The discussion might have continued from here.