OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Best hardware to run OpenWrt?

The content of this topic has been archived on 20 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Can anyone suggest the best router hardware to get to run OpenWrt?


AFAIC, basically the more Flash/RAM, the better the router is to run any (open-source) firmware. Some routers come with built-in USB port(s) and this will be a plus.

if you mean what hardware is supported best, then that would depend, do you mean on White Russian, or Kamikaze?  What are your goals for the device?  On White Russian the Broadcom based routers tend to be better supported than the others (arm, x86 and other obscure arch's)  For Kamikaze the Broadcom still tend to be a good bet, though the wireless for the 2.6 broadcom is unreliable (unless this has recently changed)

(Last edited by 22bsti on 3 Jan 2008, 23:04)

Hi I'm new to the forums as well, I'm selling my WRT54GS (6.0) Don't get this version! & going to buy either the WRT54Gl (1.1) or a refurbished  WRT54GS (1.0) i think both are a good start better than my first choice (6.0)

I want to use mine for a wireless sniffer to look for free hotspots. Should I go for the refurbished  WRT54GS (1.0) as it has more mermory? or will the WRT54Gl (1.1) be fine?

Those Buffalo wifi routers are a good value. I have two WHRHPG54's overclocked to 250MHz, tx power at OpenWrt's default 19dBm, and SD modded. One of them was bought to replace a WRT54GL. The GL is now a backup.

The discussion might have continued from here.