OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Any Success on Marvel Libertas 88W8510?

The content of this topic has been archived on 3 Feb 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I'm investigating getting stuck into a Linksys WPS54G, however it has the 88W8510 CPU, 1MB Flash (i know i know...) and 4MB RAM. It does, however have a USB port, so my initial thoughts are to use OpenWRT to install a bootstrapped flash version that will effectively boot the OS from a USB stick. This will give me greater flexibility in upgrading as i assume i'd just need to rewrite the USB drive each time but i'm also a little concerned that 4MB RAM is too little? could i get it to swap to flash to effectively give me more available ram? and... am i nuts for even considering this? :-p

Thanks in advance for your thoughts,

cheers, Steve.

did you get any answer for Linksys WPS54G? Need to know!

Greetings, Michael

The discussion might have continued from here.