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Topic: [Howto] Running subversion on Kamikaze

The content of this topic has been archived on 27 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Running subversion on Kamikaze

1. Build the subversion packages. They're located in menuconfig under: Network / subversion / <M> subversion-{libs,client,server}

2. Install the subversion server package. It installs some dependencies (apr, apr-util, libexpat, libiconv, libintl, libpthread, libxml2, neon, subversion-libs). Make sure you have enough free space.

ipkg install subversion-server

3. Create a new subversion repository

mkdir -p /srv
svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs /srv/svn

4. Configure and start subversion
4.1. Configure subversion. The path to the repository and the port on which subversion should listen on can be configured via UCI (/etc/config/subversion).

uci set subversion.cfg1.path="/srv/svn"
uci commit subversion

4.2. Starting subversion and enabling it on boot

/etc/init.d/subversion start
/etc/init.d/subversion enable

5. Check if subversion is running

root@OpenWrt:/# netstat -an
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN
root@OpenWrt:/# ps ax | grep svnserve  
  810 root        580 S   svnserve -d --listen-port 3690 -r /srv/svn

6. On a Linux PC checkout the new subversion repository

ubuntu@ubuntu-laptop:~$ svn checkout svn:// router-repository/
Checked out revision 0.

Have fun smile

(Last edited by forum2006 on 21 Jul 2007, 11:19)

I tried to run svnadmin, but this error comes:

svnadmin: can't load library '|ø'

I've already installed all the required libs. This error comes with all command of svn****
I have already re-installed the svn-server and the libs.
Does anybody know what to do?


After an odysee i've solved the problem:
The message

svnadmin: can't load library '|ø'

means that the is missing, so i installed the libsqlite2 (libsqlite3 was already installed) and then Subversion works!!!

Have a nice day,

thanks spelth. I have it successfully installed.
but now i encounter another problem. I am able to check out some files from the repo to a XP pc drive. I am however unable to commit changes using tortoise svn. svnserve returned an authorization failed error.

is there something i m missing? some config files that i need to set up user id/pwd?

Yes, look into your svn-directory on the server: cd to conf
In the conf dir are some files. The svnserve.conf is for.... yes, configuration
I, personally, added a line to passwd:

USER = PASSWORD       is the syntax
And then, it works wink

What should I change exactly (look #4)?

I've tried several things without success...

esurfer wrote:

where do i get subversion-server? ipkg update did not find any subversion package.

As always. Compile by yourself. If you have access to a real Linux box you are lucky. If you are on Windows install andLinux VM and compile there.

Compile trunk and extra packages from source:

thanks, subversion works fine!

The discussion might have continued from here.