OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: wpa+radius on openwrt

The content of this topic has been archived on 4 Aug 2017. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I'm just wondering if openwrt can be used for wpa + radius...

So far, I've been successfully implemented wpa-psk as written in the faq..

But when I try wpa+radius, windows xp always complain about cannot find certificate to log on to my network sad..

I've observed that there are traffics on my wifi interface when I try to login to my network, but I didn't see any traffics at my wan interface to my network..

I'd set the following :

wl0_radius_ipaddr=<my radius server ip>
wl0_radius_key=<my radius secret>
wl0_radius_port=<my radius port>

Is there anyone out there that has been successfully implemented wap+radius on their wrt54g using openwrt?

Any thought and response would be greatly appreciated..


What are you using for 802.1x in your RADIUS setup?

I have a WPA/RADIUS setup, with the WRT box authenticating against FreeRADIUS.  I'm using EAP/TLS (client certificates).

I had to specifically go in and generate a client certificate for each client, then install them on the clients (including the associated private keys, of course).  Have you done that?  (Or do you even want to use EAP/TLS for your authentication?)

You must run the nas binary with the following options (Please FIX ME):

/usr/sbin/nas -P /tmp/ -l br0 -H 34954 -i eth1 -A -m 1 -k RADIUS_SECRET -s SSID -w 2 -g 3600 -h RADIUS_IP -p RADIUS_PORT

Options meaning (AGAIN FIXME):

-P PID file

-l local interface

-H I don't know wink

-i wireless interface

-m encryption



-w algorithm

-g key renewal time



I think you must set properly the nvram too.

I would appreciate if you post your results, thanks

What are you using for 802.1x in your RADIUS setup?

I have a WPA/RADIUS setup, with the WRT box authenticating against FreeRADIUS. I'm using EAP/TLS (client certificates).

Can you help with configuration of the FreeRADIUS?
What kind of client are you using? (xsupplicant, native winXP, etc)

The discussion might have continued from here.