ZBT WE1326 crashing with 18.06 image

Hi everyone, it seems to have an issue with last zbt we1326 hardware. It is ZBT-WE1326 V05, and this is the boot logs from upgrade to boot on the new openwrt 18.06 firmware :

                MT7621   stage1 code done 
                CPU=500000000 HZ BUS=166666666 HZ

U-Boot 1.1.3 (Apr 11 2015 - 20:07:37)

SoC:MediaTek MT7621 
DRAM:  512MB(448MB LowMem,64MB HighMem)
relocate_code Pointer at: 9bfa8000

Config XHCI 40M PLL 
Software System Reset Occurred
flash manufacture id: ef, device id 40 18
Flash:W25Q128BV Size:16MB
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

|    ____                 _                 ____               |
|   |  _ \ __ _ _ __   __| | ___  _ __ __ _| __ )  _____  __   |
|   | |_) / _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \| '__/ _` |  _ \ / _ \ \/ /   |
|   |  __/ (_| | | | | (_| | (_) | | | (_| | |_) | (_) >  <    |
|   |_|   \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\___/|_|  \__,_|____/ \___/_/\_\   |
|                                                              |
|                PandoraBox Ralink/MTK Platform                |
|                 The best solution for you                    |
|          Copyright 2015 D-Team Technology Co.,Ltd. SZ        |
|                    Board:AmazingBox                          |
|                                                              |
|                 lintel<lintel.huang@gmail.com>               |

===============Board Info================== 
CPU Frequency:880MHz 
Detected Memory:448MiB
Bootloader Version:
ASIC MT7621A DualCore (MAC to MT7530 Mode)
DRAM_CONF_FROM: Auto-Detection 
DRAM bus: 16 bit
Xtal Mode=3 OCP Ratio=1/3
Flash component: SPI Flash
Date:Apr 11 2015  Time:20:07:37
icache: sets:256, ways:4, linesz:32 ,total:32KiB
dcache: sets:256, ways:4, linesz:32 ,total:32KiB 

GPIO_MODE_REGs: 0x4853d
Please choose the operation: 
   1: Load system code to SDRAM via TFTP. 
   2: Load system code then write to Flash via TFTP. 
   3: Boot system code via Flash (default).
   4: Entr boot command line interface.
   7: Load Boot Loader code then write to Flash via Serial. 
   9: Load Boot Loader code then write to Flash via TFTP. 
3: System Boot system code via Flash.

Press Reset button enter upgrade mode!

Reset button pressed!
|                                                    |
|              Recovery Module v2.0                  |
|                                                    |
| Note:Please Use Web Browser Upgrade the Firmware ! |
|                                                    |
|    Copyright 2014 D-Team Technology Co.,Ltd. SZ    |
|          lintel<lintel.huang@gmail.com>            |

[Kernel]uOS Version: v1.2
[TCP/IP]ETH0 MAC:78:A3:51:5C:88:32 
[TCP/IP]Default Router:
[DHCPD]Server IP:

NetTxPacket = 0x9BFE0C80. 
Trying Eth0 (10/100-M)

 Waitting for RX_DMA_BUSY status Start... done

[Kernel]Enter Network Loop!
[LED]Thread started!! 
[httpd]Upload at 0x80300000 RAM:458752KiB buffer:454656KiB

Data load at 0x80300000,len:0xec00af.
Check image:
Image type              --> Firmware 
Image Header Checksum   --> OK
Image Data Checksum     --> OK


[httpd]Upload ok!
[kernel]Signal pending 0.
[Kernel]Signal ACK and clean.
[Kernel]Firmware upgrade Signal detect!!
Upgrade linux kernel block !!

[kernel]Firmware upgrade done!
[TCP/IP]tcp: got reset, aborting connection.
[kernel]Signal pending 0.
[Kernel]Signal ACK and clean.
[Kernel]reboot Signal detect!!

                MT7621   stage1 code Mar 12 2015 14:43:30 (ASIC)
                CPU=500000000 HZ BUS=166666666 HZ
Change MPLL source from XTAL to CR...
do MEMPLL setting..
MEMPLL Config : 0x21100000
3PLL mode + External loopback
=== XTAL-40Mhz === DDR-1066Mhz ===
PLL3 FB_DL: 0x8, 1/0 = 518/506 21000000
PLL4 FB_DL: 0x15, 1/0 = 518/506 55000000
PLL2 FB_DL: 0x18, 1/0 = 524/500 61000000
do DDR setting..[01F40000]
Apply DDR3 Setting...(use customer AC)
          0    8   16   24   32   40   48   56   64   72   80   88   96  104  112  120
0000:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0001:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0002:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0003:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0004:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0005:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0006:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0007:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0008:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0009:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
000A:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
000B:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
000C:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
000D:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
000E:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    1
000F:|    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
0010:|    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    0
0011:|    1    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0012:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0013:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0014:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0015:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0016:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0017:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0018:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0019:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001A:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001B:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001C:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001D:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001E:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001F:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
rank 0 coarse = 15
rank 0 fine = 80
B:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    0
opt_dle value:11
                RX      DQS perbit delay software calibration 
1.0-15 bit dq delay value
bit|     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
0 |    11 6 9 11 9 7 9 7 6 7 
10 |    9 9 7 11 9 9 

2.dqs window
x=pass dqs delay value (min~max)center 
y=0-7bit DQ of every group
input delay:DQS0 =29 DQS1 = 29
bit     DQS0     bit      DQS1
0  (1~54)27  8  (2~54)28
1  (1~51)26  9  (1~54)27
2  (1~55)28  10  (1~58)29
3  (1~57)29  11  (1~55)28
4  (1~56)28  12  (1~57)29
5  (1~55)28  13  (1~56)28
6  (1~55)28  14  (1~57)29
7  (1~58)29  15  (1~55)28
3.dq delay value last
bit|    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8   9
0 |    13 9 10 11 10 8 10 7 7 9 
10 |    9 10 7 12 9 10 
     TX  perbyte calibration 
DQS loop = 15, cmp_err_1 = ffff0000 
dqs_perbyte_dly.last_dqsdly_pass[0]=15,  finish count=1 
dqs_perbyte_dly.last_dqsdly_pass[1]=15,  finish count=2 
DQ loop=15, cmp_err_1 = ffff0000
dqs_perbyte_dly.last_dqdly_pass[0]=15,  finish count=1 
dqs_perbyte_dly.last_dqdly_pass[1]=15,  finish count=2 
byte:0, (DQS,DQ)=(8,8)
byte:1, (DQS,DQ)=(8,8)
[EMI] DRAMC calibration passed

                MT7621   stage1 code done 
                CPU=500000000 HZ BUS=166666666 HZ

U-Boot 1.1.3 (Apr 11 2015 - 20:07:37)

SoC:MediaTek MT7621 
DRAM:  512MB(448MB LowMem,64MB HighMem)
relocate_code Pointer at: 9bfa8000

Config XHCI 40M PLL 
Software System Reset Occurred
flash manufacture id: ef, device id 40 18
Flash:W25Q128BV Size:16MB
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

|    ____                 _                 ____               |
|   |  _ \ __ _ _ __   __| | ___  _ __ __ _| __ )  _____  __   |
|   | |_) / _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \| '__/ _` |  _ \ / _ \ \/ /   |
|   |  __/ (_| | | | | (_| | (_) | | | (_| | |_) | (_) >  <    |
|   |_|   \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\___/|_|  \__,_|____/ \___/_/\_\   |
|                                                              |
|                PandoraBox Ralink/MTK Platform                |
|                 The best solution for you                    |
|          Copyright 2015 D-Team Technology Co.,Ltd. SZ        |
|                    Board:AmazingBox                          |
|                                                              |
|                 lintel<lintel.huang@gmail.com>               |

===============Board Info================== 
CPU Frequency:880MHz 
Detected Memory:448MiB
Bootloader Version:
ASIC MT7621A DualCore (MAC to MT7530 Mode)
DRAM_CONF_FROM: Auto-Detection 
DRAM bus: 16 bit
Xtal Mode=3 OCP Ratio=1/3
Flash component: SPI Flash
Date:Apr 11 2015  Time:20:07:37
icache: sets:256, ways:4, linesz:32 ,total:32KiB
dcache: sets:256, ways:4, linesz:32 ,total:32KiB 

GPIO_MODE_REGs: 0x4853d
Please choose the operation: 
   1: Load system code to SDRAM via TFTP. 
   2: Load system code then write to Flash via TFTP. 
   3: Boot system code via Flash (default).
   4: Entr boot command line interface.
   7: Load Boot Loader code then write to Flash via Serial. 
   9: Load Boot Loader code then write to Flash via TFTP. 
3: System Boot system code via Flash.

Press Reset button enter upgrade mode!
## Booting image at bc050000 ...
   Image Name:   MIPS OpenWrt Linux-4.14.54
   Image Type:   MIPS Linux Kernel Image (lzma compressed)
   Data Size:    1873438 Bytes =  1.8 MB
   Load Address: 80001000
   Entry Point:  80001000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
   Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK
No initrd
## Transferring control to Linux (at address 80001000) ...
## Giving linux memsize in MB, 512

Starting kernel ...

[    0.000000] Linux version 4.14.54 (keulu@openwrt-builder) (gcc version 7.3.0 (OpenWrt GCC 7.3.0 r7188-b0b5c64c22)) #0 SMP Mon Jul 30 16:25:17 2018
[    0.000000] SoC Type: MediaTek MT7621 ver:1 eco:3
[    0.000000] bootconsole [early0] enabled
[    0.000000] CPU0 revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc)
[    0.000000] MIPS: machine is ZBT-WE1326
[    0.000000] Determined physical RAM map:
[    0.000000]  memory: 1c000000 @ 00000000 (usable)
[    0.000000]  memory: 04000000 @ 20000000 (usable)
[    0.000000] Initrd not found or empty - disabling initrd
[    0.000000] VPE topology {2,2} total 4
[    0.000000] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes.
[    0.000000] Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes
[    0.000000] MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes.
[    0.000000] Zone ranges:
[    0.000000]   Normal   [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000000fffffff]
[    0.000000]   HighMem  [mem 0x0000000010000000-0x0000000023ffffff]
[    0.000000] Movable zone start for each node
[    0.000000] Early memory node ranges
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x000000001bffffff]
[    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x0000000020000000-0x0000000023ffffff]
[    0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000023ffffff]
[    0.000000] random: get_random_bytes called from start_kernel+0x90/0x4a4 with crng_init=0
[    0.000000] percpu: Embedded 14 pages/cpu @8148f000 s26192 r8192 d22960 u57344
[    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 130560
[    0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200 rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2
[    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
[    0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
[    0.000000] Writing ErrCtl register=0000e810
[    0.000000] Readback ErrCtl register=0000e810
[    0.000000] Memory: 513000K/524288K available (4416K kernel code, 235K rwdata, 980K rodata, 244K init, 264K bss, 11288K reserved, 0K cma-reserved, 262144K highmem)
[    0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=32, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=4, Nodes=1
[    0.000000] Hierarchical RCU implementation.
[    0.000000] NR_IRQS: 256
[    0.000000] clocksource: GIC: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0xcaf478abb4, max_idle_ns: 440795247997 ns
[    0.000000] clocksource: MIPS: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 4343773742 ns
[    0.000010] sched_clock: 32 bits at 440MHz, resolution 2ns, wraps every 4880645118ns
[    0.007825] Calibrating delay loop... 586.13 BogoMIPS (lpj=2930688)
[    0.073989] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[    0.078774] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.085281] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
[    0.094128] Hierarchical SRCU implementation.
[    0.099227] smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ...
[    0.105238] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes.
[    0.105249] Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes
[    0.105261] MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes.
[    0.105413] CPU1 revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc)
[    0.164018] Synchronize counters for CPU 1: done.
[    0.205730] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes.
[    0.205738] Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes
[    0.205747] MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes.
[    0.205821] CPU2 revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc)
[    0.255289] Synchronize counters for CPU 2: done.
[    0.286521] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes.
[    0.286528] Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes
[    0.286536] MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes.
[    0.286616] CPU3 revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc)
[    0.340474] Synchronize counters for CPU 3: done.
[    0.370340] smp: Brought up 1 node, 4 CPUs
[    0.377845] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 19112604462750000 ns
[    0.387644] futex hash table entries: 1024 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
[    0.393969] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem
[    0.399738] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[    0.414696] pull PCIe RST: RALINK_RSTCTRL = 0
[    0.719383] release PCIe RST: RALINK_RSTCTRL = 7000000
[    0.724431] ***** Xtal 40MHz *****
[    0.727787] release PCIe RST: RALINK_RSTCTRL = 7000000
[    0.732884] Port 0 N_FTS = 1b102800
[    0.736352] Port 1 N_FTS = 1b105000
[    0.739794] Port 2 N_FTS = 1b105000
[    1.894920] PCIE0 no card, disable it(RST&CLK)
[    1.899280]  -> 10207f2
[    1.901684] PCIE1 enabled
[    1.904274] PCIE2 enabled
[    1.906878] PCI host bridge /pcie@1e140000 ranges:
[    1.911655]  MEM 0x0000000060000000..0x000000006fffffff
[    1.916806]   IO 0x000000001e160000..0x000000001e16ffff
[    1.922013] PCI coherence region base: 0xbfbf8000, mask/settings: 0x60000000
[    1.937437] mt7621_gpio 1e000600.gpio: registering 32 gpios
[    1.943294] mt7621_gpio 1e000600.gpio: registering 32 gpios
[    1.949049] mt7621_gpio 1e000600.gpio: registering 32 gpios
[    1.956208] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
[    1.960241] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x60000000-0x6fffffff]
[    1.967076] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0xffffffff]
[    1.972929] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x0]
[    1.979687] pci_bus 0000:00: No busn resource found for root bus, will use [bus 00-ff]
[    1.989737] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 0: no space for [mem size 0x80000000]
[    1.996252] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 0: failed to assign [mem size 0x80000000]
[    2.003191] pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 0: no space for [mem size 0x80000000]
[    2.009725] pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 0: failed to assign [mem size 0x80000000]
[    2.016654] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x60000000-0x600fffff]
[    2.023391] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 9: assigned [mem 0x60100000-0x601fffff pref]
[    2.030569] pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x60200000-0x602fffff]
[    2.037293] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 1: assigned [mem 0x60300000-0x6030ffff]
[    2.044055] pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 1: assigned [mem 0x60310000-0x6031ffff]
[    2.050775] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x60000000-0x600fffff 64bit]
[    2.058050] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 6: assigned [mem 0x60100000-0x6010ffff pref]
[    2.065202] pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01]
[    2.070140] pci 0000:00:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x60000000-0x600fffff]
[    2.076864] pci 0000:00:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x60100000-0x601fffff pref]
[    2.084062] pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x60200000-0x602fffff]
[    2.090773] pci 0000:00:01.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02]
[    2.095709] pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0x60200000-0x602fffff]
[    2.103889] clocksource: Switched to clocksource GIC
[    2.110547] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[    2.115558] TCP established hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[    2.122446] TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[    2.128874] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048)
[    2.135298] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[    2.141068] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
[    2.147568] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[    2.383836] 4 CPUs re-calibrate udelay(lpj = 2924544)
[    2.390268] Crashlog allocated RAM at address 0x3f00000
[    2.395918] workingset: timestamp_bits=30 max_order=17 bucket_order=0
[    2.409298] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
[    2.415103] jffs2: version 2.2 (NAND) (SUMMARY) (LZMA) (RTIME) (CMODE_PRIORITY) (c) 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
[    2.425854] Unhandled kernel unaligned access[#1]:
[    2.430562] CPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: swapper/0 Not tainted 4.14.54 #0
[    2.436519] task: 8fc40000 task.stack: 8fc34000
[    2.441005] $ 0   : 00000000 00000001 291c8285 3d56fbe0
[    2.446188] $ 4   : 15151515 8fe48c00 805f2400 00000006
[    2.451371] $ 8   : 00000000 804498d0 00000010 00000001
[    2.456557] $12   : 000009d0 00000000 00000000 00000000
[    2.461740] $16   : 8fc19007 8fc0492c 8fc30cdc 00000006
[    2.466924] $20   : 8fe48c00 80505d3c 8fe48c2c 8fe48c00
[    2.472108] $24   : 00000010 8001603c                  
[    2.477293] $28   : 8fc34000 8fc35d50 80564b48 801718ec
[    2.482476] Hi    : 0012041d
[    2.485328] Lo    : 46d64a97
[    2.488216] epc   : 8017191c insert_header+0x314/0x480
[    2.493281] ra    : 801718ec insert_header+0x2e4/0x480
[    2.498374] Status: 11008403 KERNEL EXL IE 
[    2.502522] Cause : 40800010 (ExcCode 04)
[    2.506497] BadVA : 291c8285
[    2.509348] PrId  : 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc)
[    2.513407] Modules linked in:
[    2.516437] Process swapper/0 (pid: 1, threadinfo=8fc34000, task=8fc40000, tls=00000000)
[    2.524468] Stack : 8fe46a00 00000000 8055a1b8 8fc19000 8fc19007 38e38e39 8fc04900 805f2400
[    2.532760]         00000006 80564160 8fc19007 00000000 805f0000 8fc04900 8fe48c00 00000000
[    2.541055]         00000001 8fc04900 00000000 80171e40 81494218 80286010 00120000 00000008
[    2.549349]         80504e0c 8fdab800 805f2424 804fabc0 804fabe4 00000000 8fc19007 80564b48
[    2.557643]         8fc19000 80564b00 00000001 80564160 80583304 805c0000 805c0000 80172420
[    2.565938]         ...
[    2.568359] Call Trace:
[    2.570782] [<8017191c>] insert_header+0x314/0x480
[    2.575543] [<80171e40>] __register_sysctl_table+0x2ec/0x5bc
[    2.581152] [<80172420>] __register_sysctl_paths+0x114/0x1f0
[    2.586795] [<80595dfc>] ipc_sysctl_init+0x14/0x24
[    2.591520] [<80005650>] do_one_initcall+0xd0/0x1a0
[    2.596363] [<80583d78>] kernel_init_freeable+0x168/0x228
[    2.601720] [<80449bdc>] kernel_init+0x10/0x10c
[    2.606214] [<8000b0d8>] ret_from_kernel_thread+0x14/0x1c
[    2.611562] Code: 00621021  00021080  00821021 <8c540000> 0c110e23  02802025  0053302a  00408025  0266100a 
[    2.621234] 
[    2.622844] ---[ end trace 3eab4977b5e33e33 ]---
[    2.628447] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception
[    2.634662] Rebooting in 1 seconds..

With older ZBT WE1326 and the same firmware image, there was absolutely no problem ! Does anyone got a clue for that ?

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Hi Irongomme,
I am in the same situation, just got new we1326 v5 and cannot boot after flashing 18.06 firm.
I tried flashing hardware v2 stock firm, which is an openwrt barrier breaker, and it boots with no issues. Then I tryed to flash 18.06 sysupgrade image from BB luci firmware section with same results, also with sysupgrade command line, no way to make a succesfull boot to 18.06.
I just emailed my sales contact at ZBT for them to check and hopefully instruct how to fix. This new version stocks a ZBT OS v1, instead of OpenWrt BB as it did before. Also noted that ssh access with root/admin password keeps saying bas user/password, and ssh port is 2222 instead of 22.

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The same for us , we have contacted our reseller to find a solution, because we have bought 50 u of this hardware to use our custom firmware. It worked on V01 and V02, but on V05 only ZBT firmware works !
I'll report here if I find a workaround

Answer from ZBT :

the V02 version is with 512M RAM , anD V05 is with 256M RAM

So, how can I change config options to adjust RAM quantity to 256 in the menuconfig kernel options ?

I have the same response, they downgraded v5 to 256MB.
We need to adjust memory to 256 to compile a valid image, but I have no idea how to do that....
I will investigate and be back if I found out something..

PS: u-boot log shows 512MB, it doesnt make sense though:

SoC:MediaTek MT7621 
DRAM:  512MB(448MB LowMem,64MB HighMem)
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ZBT asked me to send a photo of the memory chip to confirm the model I was sent is the 256.

I googled for that memory and its datasheet says is 256 MB,
Until this new version is supported, if v5 only changes memory size I believe that editing file "target/linux/ramips/dts/ZBT-WE1326.dts" with updated memory sizes will let us to compile a working image.

memory@0 {
  16                 device_type = "memory";
  17                 reg = <0x0 0x1c000000>, <0x20000000 0x4000000>;
  18         };

How can we know how many memory is "high" memory?

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Just replace :

<0x0 0x1c000000>, <0x20000000 0x4000000>;

by :

<0x0 0x10000000>;

And it works again !!
Big thanks for your help !

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Yep its working ;-). Now would be great to have this new hardware version in the official distro. Do you know where/how to request this?

Open a Pull Request or send a patch to the mailing list.

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Hi irongonmme,

I am in the same situation, just got new we1326 v5 and cannot boot after flashing 18.06 firmware,
To flash current openwrt release image, I download current version of openwrt 18.06.2 done changes in "ZBT-WE1326.dts" as per your comment and try to compile image.But, still router crashing.
Can, you help me anythhing is missing or wrong

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I also have same issue.
@irongomme Can you help, how you fix it?

Just for the others with version 5. Since this commit https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/commit/a2c19f1d2f658367e6d62a6bdcfc72f12f23e43e mt7621 targets relies on kernel to determine RAM size. So it's not needed anymore to adjust the device tree. Until openwrt 19 is out just flash snapshot using http server in bootloader (pressing the reset button during power up) and you should be fine.

After flashing new firmware, Router connection got disconnect for 2-3 second once in every minutes.

What exactly is getting disconnected?

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Which exactly?

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Right now I'm using 14.04 Firmware it working fine. No WAN drop.
But When I build snapshot firmware or use OpenWRT snapshot firmware it showing some issue.
Its more like, packet drop. Let me explain an example.
I was in video call in Whatsapp, call used to drop for 2 sec and app try to reconnect. This happens every around 30, 45 seconds. Same happens in LAN ports also. Like my ping used be constant 53 while gaming, but when this occurs I got stuck in game for 2 to 4 seconds and it work good for another 20 to 35 sec.

It's so annoying that now I'm using an old firmware.

I am using 18.06.5 and there is no problem. You need to debug the issue and find out why it may be happening. It can be a configuration issue.