Something strange has happened. I flashed the official firmware and the wifi worked, but other firmware would not. any ideas?
15.343069] Parsing tailer region 0
[ 15.346552] Target address: 0x151e0000
[ 15.350388] Download size: 20736
[ 15.353727] Parsing tailer region 1
[ 15.357209] Target address: 0x47d80000
[ 15.361038] Download size: 86000
[ 15.364424] Parsing tailer region 2
[ 15.367908] Target address: 0x47dc0000
[ 15.371740] Download size: 2283984
[ 15.377345] warp_fwdl_ready_check_mcu_mode(): waiting for wocpu
[ 15.398339] warp_fwdl_ready_check_mcu_mode(): wocpu is ready
[ 15.404008] warp_woctrl_init_state(), wo_state: WO_STATE_ENABLE
[ 15.409932] wo_proc_init done 00000000dfd3c40f
[ 15.414460] wo_exep_proc_init done 00000000dfd3c40f
[ 15.419448] wo_exception_init(0): exp log= 0x000000004f6195ff, phy_addr= 0x00000000754c0000 size= 32768
[ 15.495026] 7981@C08L2,profile_wds_reg() 1328: WdsEnable is unknow(0;0)
[ 15.501791] 7981@C08L2,profile_wds_reg() 1328: WdsEnable is unknow(0;0)
[ 15.519204] 7981@C12L1,RTMPWirelessModeCfg() 604: Init: BSS0 PhyMode=78
[ 15.525822] 7981@C12L1,RTMPWirelessModeCfg() 604: Init: BSS1 PhyMode=78
[ 15.532440] 7981@C12L1,RTMPWirelessModeCfg() 604: Init: BSS2 PhyMode=177
[ 15.539136] 7981@C12L1,RTMPWirelessModeCfg() 604: Init: BSS3 PhyMode=177
[ 15.546133] 7981@C23L3,auto_ch_select_set_cfg() 3392: BandIdx0, AutoChannelAtBootup=0, AutoChannelAlg = 0
[ 15.555692] 7981@C23L3,auto_ch_select_set_cfg() 3392: BandIdx1, AutoChannelAtBootup=0, AutoChannelAlg = 0
[ 15.610767] 7981@C15L1,Set_PMFMFPC_Proc() 1722: [PMF] :: apidx=0, Desired MFPC=0
[ 15.618155] WiFi@C15L1,Set_PMFMFPC_Proc() 1722: [PMF] :: apidx=1, Desired MFPC=1
[ 15.625545] WiFi@C15L1,Set_PMFMFPC_Proc() 1722: [PMF] :: apidx=2, Desired MFPC=0
[ 15.632936] WiFi@C15L1,Set_PMFMFPC_Proc() 1722: [PMF] :: apidx=3, Desired MFPC=1
[ 15.642249] WiFi@C12L1,RTMPSetProfileParameters() 8443: ra0, QoSMgmtCapa=0
[ 15.649118] WiFi@C12L1,RTMPSetProfileParameters() 8443: (null), QoSMgmtCapa=0
[ 15.656563] WiFi@C12L1,RTMPSetProfileParameters() 8443: (null), QoSMgmtCapa=0
[ 15.663693] WiFi@C12L1,RTMPSetProfileParameters() 8443: (null), QoSMgmtCapa=0
[ 15.675978] WiFi@C12L1,rtmp_read_ap_client_from_file() 1588: APCLI[0] ApCliMuMimoDlEnable = 0
[ 15.684495] WiFi@C12L1,rtmp_read_ap_client_from_file() 1588: APCLI[1] ApCliMuMimoDlEnable = 0
[ 15.693181] WiFi@C12L1,rtmp_read_ap_client_from_file() 1607: APCLI[0] ApCliMuMimoUlEnable = 0
[ 15.701697] WiFi@C12L1,rtmp_read_ap_client_from_file() 1607: APCLI[1] ApCliMuMimoUlEnable = 0
[ 15.712116] WiFi@C03L1,AndesSendCmdMsg() 754: Could not send in band command due to diablefRTMP_ADAPTER_MCU_SEND_IN_BAND_CMD
[ 15.723320] WiFi@C03L2,AndesSendCmdMsg() 765: Command type = ed, Extension command type = 48
[ 15.731755] WiFi@C03L1,AndesSendCmdMsg() 754: Could not send in band command due to diablefRTMP_ADAPTER_MCU_SEND_IN_BAND_CMD
[ 15.742959] WiFi@C03L2,AndesSendCmdMsg() 765: Command type = ed, Extension command type = 48
[ 15.820992] wdma_dma_ctrl(): WDMA_GLO_CFG=50404e70, txrx = 0
[ 15.830189] wdma_dma_ctrl(): WDMA_GLO_CFG=40404e70, txrx = 0
[ 15.844325] warp_tx_ring_init_hw(): configure ring 0 setting
[ 15.849994] warp_tx_ring_init_hw(): wed:00000000af793c3e wifi:0000000044519fff: 24420=76cd8000,24424=2048,24428=0
[ 15.860252] warp_tx_ring_init_hw(): configure ring 1 setting
[ 15.865907] warp_tx_ring_init_hw(): wed:00000000af793c3e wifi:0000000044519fff: 24430=76ce0000,24434=2048,24438=0
[ 15.876276] set_rrocfg,0
[ 15.901670] wdma_dma_ctrl(): WDMA_GLO_CFG=40404e74, txrx = 3
[ 15.907320] using E1 ROM patch
[ 15.910370] using E1 RAM
[ 15.912907] current sync CR = 0x1
[ 15.916220] Built date: 20220420201732a
[ 15.920144] Platform: ALPS
[ 15.922927] HW/SW version: 0x8a108a10
[ 15.926672] Patch version: 0xffffffff
[ 15.934405] current sync CR = 0x1
[ 15.937724] Chip ID: 0x14
[ 15.940430] Eco version: 0x00
[ 15.943482] Region number: 0x0b
[ 15.946697] Format version: 0x02
[ 15.950007] Format flag: 0x01
[ 15.953064] Ram version: ____000000
[ 15.956638] Built date: 20220420201748
[ 15.960477] Common crc: 0x29f8303a
[ 15.963961] Release info: header tag = 0, total length = 64
[ 15.969614] tag 1, padding length = 1, tag length = 59
[ 15.974830] payload: t-neptune-main-mt7915-1953-MT7981_MP2111_3_0-20220420201700
[ 16.002713] Chip ID: 0x00
[ 16.005438] Eco version: 0x00
[ 16.008494] Region number: 0x03
[ 16.011719] Format version: 0x02
[ 16.015021] Format flag: 0x01
[ 16.018071] Ram version: DEV_000000
[ 16.021649] Built date: 20220420202058
[ 16.025486] Common crc: 0xf1c27858
[ 16.028968] Release info: header tag = 0, total length = 0
[ 16.112245] current sync CR = 0x7
[ 16.115588] efuse_probe: efuse = deaddead
[ 16.159783] Use default BIN from:/lib/firmware/MT7981_iPAiLNA_EEPROM.bin.
[ 16.167629] WiFi@C01L1,RtmpOSFileOpen() 1006: Error 2 opening /lib/firmware/MT7981_iPAiLNA_EEPROM.bin
[ 16.176844] WiFi@C02L1,rtmp_ee_flash_reset() 281: --> Error opening file /lib/firmware/MT7981_iPAiLNA_EEPROM.bin
[ 16.187016] WiFi@C02L1,rtmp_ee_flash_init() 438: The EEPROM in Flash is wrong, use default
[ 16.197770] WiFi@C02L1,is_cal_free_ic() 831: [a-die version:1]
[ 19.206481] WiFi@C17L1,RTMPReadTxPwrPerRate() 450: (450): Don't Support this now!
[ 19.213993] WiFi@C01L1,AntCfgInit() 3035: Not support for HIF_MT yet!
[ 19.237949] ch_switch_monitor_state_machine_init:: enter
[ 19.243289] ch_switch_monitor_cfg_reset:: enter
[ 19.247826] ch_switch_monitor_cfg_reset:: enter
[ 19.252684] WiFi@C17L1,tx_pwr_comp_init() 641: NotSupportYet!
[ 19.258623] WiFi@C03L1,MtCmdSetMacTxRx() 10207: (ret = 0)
[ 19.264124] WiFi@C03L1,MtCmdSetMacTxRx() 10207: (ret = 0)
[ 19.269716] WiFi@C14L1,IPMacTable_init() 348: IPMacTable already inited!
[ 19.296551] wdma_dma_ctrl(): WDMA_GLO_CFG=58404e75, txrx = 3