Xiaomi Wifi Router 3G - 19.07.X / feedback and help

Hello, although I have been using openwrt for a while and I love it, I have never entered much. I have a Xiaomi 3g as an access point and I was seeing how to update it, but I am a bit lost. Is version 19.07.2 stable? Where can I get the specific bin for this router? Thank you.

Hi @SilverSt, I just updated myself from 18.06.5 to 19.07.2, got the bin download link from the following router specific info page - https://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/xiaomi/xiaomi_miwifi_3g

Hi. I'm using 19.0.2 on mir3g and tp link 1043nd, but when i switch to 802.11s from 'Access Point' mode, all device missing wifi signal. computer and smartphone can't find wifi signal to connect? Is any special step. I've uninstall wpad-basic and install wpad-openssl on all device. thanks you.

Anyone running MiniDLNA? I've noticed since the update that the luci-app-minidlna service reports that The miniDLNA service is not running. even though it is, confirmed by navigating to where I can see the MiniDLNA status page. Of course everything still works so not a big deal just wondering if anyone else is experiencing it.

yesterday I tried to update my Xiaomi Router 3G
I downloaded the snapshot image using wget and upgraded that way:

sysupgrade openwrt-ramips-mt7621-xiaomi_mir3g-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
Saving config files...
Commencing upgrade. Closing all shell sessions.

After that the router no longer boots.
Only Orange LED is lighting (not flashing)

I tried OpenWRT Failsafe - not working
I tried USB Stick with miwifi.bin - not working

I have not soldered pins to the board because I have not got the tools.
Any other chance to get it working again?
Why did that update brick the device? Usually I do the update with LUCI Webinterface

This happens: Optimized build for the D-Link DIR-860L
However there is this commit which should fix it but I have already bricked one router and thus cannot test a newer build with the mentioned commit included to test if it works.

Has anyone tried a build with the mentioned commit?

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Hi guys, I'm having an issue using 5ghz interface as a client and ap (wifi extender).
I detailed everything here, I tried a lot and don't find any fix, can anyone give me some hints? :wink:

To answer myself, current master snapshot (r13021) works!


To answer myself too, I figured my internet provider router was configured in 5G on a weird debug chanel (112). So, this is why it was not working - I guess - because meanwhile I got back to stock (not working) and then to padavan (where, while doing the config, I figured out that stupid issue).
But I bet it would work good on OpenWRT also, but I have now a good working conf and will stay on it :wink:

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Can you please help with switching from padavan to openwrt? I have dual boot using breed bootloader and I can switch between stock and padavan but the normal way of installing openwrt do not work. Is there any way I can install openwrt without removing breed bootloader or is there a way to use padavan to install openwrt?

I saw somewhere on the forum script that trims(do some magic :smiley: ) original firmware to fit breed-bootloader. If you have a problem find it, look on 4pda.ru Xiaomi router 3g topic.

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I found it on 4pda: https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=837667&st=6080#entry76121038

content of create_openwrt_for_breed.cmd

@echo off

if "%~1" neq "" (echo %~1) else (goto help)
del /q /f openwrt_for_breed*.bin >nul
del /q /f ~tempfile* >nul
del /q /f ~kernel* >nul
set size=0
copy /A %1 ~kernel0~
for %%I in (~kernel0~) do set/A size=4194304-%%~zI
fsutil file createnew ~tempfile %size%
copy /b ~kernel0~+~tempfile ~kernel0
del /q /f ~tempfile >nul
del /q /f ~kernel0~ >nul
for %%I in (%1) do set/A size=4194304-%%~zI
fsutil file createnew ~tempfile %size%
copy /b %1+~tempfile ~kernel1
del /q /f ~tempfile >nul
copy /b ~kernel0+~kernel1+%2 openwrt_for_breed.bin
del /q /f ~kernel* >nul
del /q /f ~tempfile* >nul
echo This will make OpenWrt binary file for using with Breed for Mi Router 3G.
echo Result file is Broken Kernel 4Mb + Kernel 4Mb + Rootfs0
echo Warning! You MUST add string in Breed for booting from 0x600000:
echo autoboot.command boot flash 0x600000
echo (see example at http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=837667&view=findpost&p=71453185)
echo Usage: 
echo create_openwrt_for_breed.cmd {kernel1 file} {rootfs0 file}
echo Example: %0
echo create_openwrt_for_breed.cmd xxx-kernel1.bin xxx-rootfs0.bin

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You can take the breed-friendly image from this post: Support for Xiaomi Mi Wifi 4 - #29 by AndrewZ

Hello, have you been able to solve it? I had the same problems, there is a bug in an application file, the name of the process is wrong. You can solve it by editing the file minidlna.lua. Here it is explained https://github.com/openwrt/luci/commit/0d68d0ad7bd2ab036caba973daa85864f8ec81a3

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Thanks for your help, I have already solved it.

UPnP doesn't work for me in 19.07.2.... I have already added the upnp application, flagged the start up option but no deal... not sure what's wrong, whether it's in OpenWRT itself or the specific version for the Xiaomi 3G...

bug in openwrt, been for a long time afaik

Anyone tried upgrading to 19.07.3?

It works fine here.
Except that 5ghz sucks bigtime when using it as both AP and mesh backhaul.

Background: When using this device as a repeater, and also using the 5G band as both client and AP, you need to manually set fragmentation threshold on client to 2347 or the tx speed will drop down to almost zero.

The same happens when you use the device as both as mesh device with the backhaul on 5G (meaning AP+mesh), only the manually setting the fragmentation threshold doesn`t fix it. If anyone found a workaround, please tell.

EDIT: Seems to work if I removed the manual fragmentation threshold setting. (Guess I was too proactive)

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See also https://www.reddit.com/r/openwrt/comments/gs1fed/xiaomi_mi_wifi_r3g/