Xiaomi R3P Pro with USB Tethering

Hi, everyone. Recent, i tried follow this topic: https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/wan/smartphone.usb.tethering?fbclid=IwAR11-o-YceUwGInoDWiZrnfj6jujIbkCTJd4-enLnGAV2f1sIrq6PDVTtcA for usb tethering android phone. But i have issue in this command: " nano etc/config/network ". Putty show this folder not exist. Anyone know, how to fix it ? Please guide help me. Thanks.

wrong: nano etc/config/network
right: nano /etc/config/network

Mind the slight difference.

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I just try it and it work. But, i not found this line "config interface 'wan' "

After, I use command " dmesg "

Try command " nano /etc/config/network " again and see have line "config interface 'wan' " . But after, change "eth0.2" to "usb0" and press Ctrl+X and press Y for save it. I reboot router and found, it don't save "usb0" in line " config interface 'wan' " for me.

Is it i wrong in any step ?