Xiaomi Mi Router 4A Gigabit Edition (R4AG/R4A Gigabit) -- fully supported and flashable with OpenWRTInvasion

First of all forgive me for being new in this forum and openwrt, I also have very little knowledge.

Is whole partition bin file same as if you made dump file with SPI Flash programmer such as CH341A?
The offset from your picture are
radio0 (2.4GHz) = 0x4
radio1 (5GHz) = 0x8004
eth0.1 (Switch) = 0xE000
eth0.2 (WAN) = 0xE006
Which are same as @ave :grin:

The offset are
radio0 (2.4GHz) = 0x50004
radio1 (5GHz) = 0x58004
eth0.1 (Switch) = 0x5E000
eth0.2 (WAN) = 0x5E006

@DocSneider said all his dump are R4GE, those offset looks like the same location as 3GV2's factory firmware dump file shared here

If the answer from @bouzouste and @ave case are yes then I'm getting lost now :roll_eyes:

Also downloaded the files

10 of them are EC:41:18:xx:xx:xx which are the same as my bricked 3GV2

I also ordered 2 R4GE (Chinese & Global), the chinese already arrived and the mac is 50:D2:F5:xx:xx:xx (Global not yet arrive, will edit here when arrive)