The patch with my changes won't apply cleanly as-is to an older feed as the files the changes would apply to aren't identical. That said, the commit at shows the changes I made -- looking at specific commits on Github lets you view only the changes that were made in that commit, no other cruft --, so you basically have to go and inspect the existing files, look at the changes in the commit and then implement those changes, possibly modifying them a little to match the existing stuff. It shouldn't be particularly difficult, it's not like there are a lot of changes.
I can't hand-hold you through this process, though. I am currently struggling IRL and I just don't have the capacity to take on extra stuff. At least give it a burl yourself. You can always ask, if you stumble across an issue that you just can't figure out yourself (plus you'll learn the most this way, so it's more educational in the long run)
Since I am all for sharing knowledge, feel free to ask questions. I don't promise to get back to you in any timely manner, but I'll try to answer you when I have the time and/or I remember to.