Have you got enough space for mesh11sd as @bluewavenet has developed a new autoconfiguration that this sounds suited for since version 3.1
I have enough space, but i do not want to use mesh11sd. It is very complicated.
Thank you for your replay @bluewavenet . I think that was indeed my problem. Yesterday i noticed some mpath-s in my main mesh nodes. Then i look online and found:
According to GitHub it is not a bug but symptom of not seted mesh parameters (If i did understood right). So i tried to remove all mpath-s manually and internet connetion from mesh nodes was immediatly recoverd. Only thing i am not sure about is which params are important? I have some in wireless config (i know they should not work, but they ware there (iw dev ... mesh_param dump)).
So like i said i do not want to use mesh11sd. I created a script that sets all mesh_params and removes those mpath-s. Script runs every minute. I also removed every mesh_param from wireless config file. So now i have to sit back and watch if everything works as intended.
If anybody has interest in my script can post it here.