X86 requirements for WAN-GW / DNS / DHCP / Firewall / VPN-GW

So I am about to outsource the DLNA and NAS part of my OpenWrt instance to TrueNAS.
I am running OpenWrt as a VM in Proxmox for quite some time now. This setup has been rock solid for me.

Currently my x86 OpenWrt VM has 2 GB of RAM and 32 GB of storage.
Services: DefaultWAN-GW / DNS / DHCP / Firewall / DLNA / NAS(smb) / Wireguard "server" / And one OpenVPN client instance which acts as the DefaultVPN-GW for some devices in my LAN

How much storage and RAM will the new VM need to satisfy the below services in a home network having a 100/40 Mbit Up-/Down-Link?
Services: DefaultWAN-GW / DNS / DHCP / Firewall / Wireguard "server" / And one OpenVPN client instance which acts as the DefaultVPN-GW for some devices in my LAN

I would guess that 1 GB of storage and 1 GB of RAM should be more than enough.

Yes, it should be about ~4-5 times more than enough.


Agreed, 1gb will maybe be 20% used nearly all the time...
This is my free percentage.

Even on X86 I have a couple machines with 512Mb and they are basically empty too just doing routing and NAT.

since it's a VM, you can always upsize later if you feel like more is needed.


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