X86 packet loss

Root causes:

  1. This “famous” wget 4 error in opkg is just a general error from wget that says that your network settings are wrong, see wget manual. It has almost nothing to do with opkg itself.

Hello everyone. I don't want to get excited but I may have solved it, it has been 10 minutes with 0% packet loss, whereas before it was 50% packet loss from the first second.

In 'uci show network' (edit: and /etc/config/network) I thought it was slightly strange that eth0 was lan and eth1 was wan. I decided to run:

root@OpenWrt:/# uci set network.@device[0].ports='eth1'
root@OpenWrt:/# uci set network.wan.device='eth0'
root@OpenWrt:/# uci set commit

And rebooted mini-pc and computer connected to mini-pc. I'm going to sleep and will update if it was really solved or not.

edit: Half a day has passed and everything is working, stable internet with 0% packet loss.

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As mentioned above...

Probably would have saved time and effort.

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