WRT54GL OpenWrt 10.03.1, route only some IP's to wan

To avoid any misunderstanding, these rules are in Firewall configuration. Not port forward, but traffic rules.
Remove the part

config forwarding
        option dest 'wan'
        option src 'lan'

and add

config rule
        option enabled '1'
        option target 'ACCEPT'
        option src 'lan'
        option name 'test'
        option proto 'all'
        option dest 'wan'
        option dest_ip ''

config rule
        option enabled '1'
        option target 'ACCEPT'
        option src 'lan'
        option name 'test'
        option proto 'all'
        option dest 'wan'
        option dest_ip ''

I can not reach from subnet the Is something wrong in the rules above?

Do 2.3 and 2.6 have a route for via the 2.7 of WRT54GL?

Shouldn't this be the source address?

Where should I exactly define the routes?

He said from LAN to WAN

Either directly on the .2.3 and .2.6
OR at their default gateway
OR (easiest) keep NAT on in WRT54GL on the WAN interface, so no routes will be needed.

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What the heck are you rocking such a old build of openwrt for? That old build is not safe to have on the internet in 2019.


After I define the route in the default gateway, I can reach but also the full subnet e. g. I can access the device Is in my firewall config a problem?


config 'rule'                                                                    
        option 'name' 'Allow-DHCP-Renew'                                         
        option 'src' 'wan'                                                       
        option 'proto' 'udp'                                                     
        option 'dest_port' '68'                                                  
        option 'target' 'ACCEPT'                                                 
        option 'family' 'ipv4'                                                   
config 'rule'                                                                    
        option 'name' 'Allow-Ping'                                               
        option 'src' 'wan'                                                       
        option 'proto' 'icmp'                                                    
        option 'icmp_type' 'echo-request'                                        
        option 'family' 'ipv4'                                                   
        option 'target' 'ACCEPT'                                                 
config 'rule'                                                                    
        option 'name' 'Allow-DHCPv6'                                             
        option 'src' 'wan'                                                       
        option 'proto' 'udp'                                                     
        option 'src_ip' 'fe80::/10'                                              
        option 'src_port' '547'                                                  
        option 'dest_ip' 'fe80::/10'                                             
        option 'dest_port' '546'                                                 
        option 'family' 'ipv6'                                                   
        option 'target' 'ACCEPT'                                                 
config 'rule'                                                                    
        option 'name' 'Allow-ICMPv6-Input'                                       
        option 'src' 'wan'                                                       
        option 'proto' 'icmp'                                                    
        list 'icmp_type' 'echo-request'                                          
        list 'icmp_type' 'destination-unreachable'                               
        list 'icmp_type' 'packet-too-big'                                        
        list 'icmp_type' 'time-exceeded'                                         
        list 'icmp_type' 'bad-header'                                            
        list 'icmp_type' 'unknown-header-type'                                   
        list 'icmp_type' 'router-solicitation'                                   
        list 'icmp_type' 'neighbour-solicitation'                                
        option 'limit' '1000/sec'                                                
        option 'family' 'ipv6'                                                   
        option 'target' 'ACCEPT'

config 'rule'                                                                    
        option 'name' 'Allow-ICMPv6-Forward'                                     
        option 'src' 'wan'                                                       
        option 'dest' '*'                                                        
        option 'proto' 'icmp'                                                    
        list 'icmp_type' 'echo-request'                                          
        list 'icmp_type' 'destination-unreachable'                               
        list 'icmp_type' 'packet-too-big'                                        
        list 'icmp_type' 'time-exceeded'                                         
        list 'icmp_type' 'bad-header'                                            
        list 'icmp_type' 'unknown-header-type'                                   
        option 'limit' '1000/sec'                                                
        option 'family' 'ipv6'                                                   
        option 'target' 'ACCEPT'                                                 
config 'defaults'                                                                
        option 'syn_flood' '1'                                                   
        option 'input' 'ACCEPT'                                                  
        option 'output' 'ACCEPT'                                                 
        option 'forward' 'ACCEPT'                                                
        option 'drop_invalid' '0'                                                
config 'zone'                                                                    
        option 'name' 'lan'                                                      
        option 'network' 'lan'                                                   
        option 'input' 'ACCEPT'                                                  
        option 'output' 'ACCEPT'                                                 
        option 'forward' 'ACCEPT'                                                
config 'zone'                                                                    
        option 'name' 'wan'                                                      
        option 'network' 'wan'                                                   
        option 'input' 'ACCEPT'                                                  
        option 'output' 'ACCEPT'                                                 
        option 'forward' 'ACCEPT'                                                
config 'include'                                                                 
        option 'path' '/etc/firewall.user'                                       
config 'rule'                                                                    
        option 'enabled' '1'                                                     
        option 'target' 'ACCEPT'                                                 
        option 'src' 'lan'                                                       
        option 'name' 'test'                                                     
        option 'proto' 'all'                                                     
        option 'dest' 'wan'                                                      
        option 'dest_ip' ''                                          
config 'rule'                                                                    
        option 'enabled' '1'                                                     
        option 'target' 'ACCEPT'                                                 
        option 'src' 'lan'                                                       
        option 'name' 'test'                                                     
        option 'proto' 'all'                                                     
        option 'dest' 'wan'                                                      
        option 'dest_ip' ''


You cannot block access to the subnet since this would be switched, not routed. As a result, it never goes through the router/firewall, just the switch chip.

If you want to isolate those devices, you would be best served by setting up VLANs.

@psherman, it looks like separate interfaces and different firewall zones:

@maart, let's check the runtime configuration:

ip a; ip r; ip ru; iptables-save

It's possible I'm mis-interpreting this part of the issue... I'm reading it as " can reach and can reach any other devices in subnet." This would, of course, be expected behavior. But maybe I've got the interpretation wrong and we're talking about the LAN/WLAN subnet looking into the WRT54GL's network.

The goal is to reach from clients in subnet only the client and in the subnet. Now I changed the firewall in und add a route in gateway from subnet.

I post later the output.

I do not have the ip command on the WRT54GL, only iptables-save.

# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.6 on Mon Sep 12 13:18:04 2011
:POSTROUTING ACCEPT [16227:1233808]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [16227:1233808]
:nat_reflection_in - [0:0]
:nat_reflection_out - [0:0]
:postrouting_rule - [0:0]
:prerouting_lan - [0:0]
:prerouting_rule - [0:0]
:prerouting_wan - [0:0]
:zone_lan_nat - [0:0]
:zone_lan_prerouting - [0:0]
:zone_wan_nat - [0:0]
:zone_wan_prerouting - [0:0]
-A PREROUTING -j prerouting_rule 
-A PREROUTING -i br-lan -j zone_lan_prerouting 
-A PREROUTING -i eth0.1 -j zone_wan_prerouting 
-A POSTROUTING -j postrouting_rule 
-A POSTROUTING -o br-lan -j zone_lan_nat 
-A POSTROUTING -o eth0.1 -j zone_wan_nat 
-A postrouting_rule -j nat_reflection_out 
-A prerouting_rule -j nat_reflection_in 
-A zone_lan_prerouting -j prerouting_lan 
-A zone_wan_prerouting -j prerouting_wan 
# Completed on Mon Sep 12 13:18:04 2011
# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.6 on Mon Sep 12 13:18:04 2011
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [31284:7738250]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [16481:1283593]
:zone_lan_notrack - [0:0]
:zone_wan_notrack - [0:0]
-A PREROUTING -i br-lan -j zone_lan_notrack 
-A PREROUTING -i eth0.1 -j zone_wan_notrack 
-A zone_lan_notrack -j NOTRACK 
-A zone_wan_notrack -j NOTRACK 
# Completed on Mon Sep 12 13:18:04 2011
# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.6 on Mon Sep 12 13:18:04 2011
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [203849:50582027]
:INPUT ACCEPT [70811:6000889]
:FORWARD ACCEPT [19175:9971307]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [114003:11698513]
:POSTROUTING ACCEPT [130594:21488417]
# Completed on Mon Sep 12 13:18:04 2011
# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.6 on Mon Sep 12 13:18:04 2011
:forward - [0:0]
:forwarding_lan - [0:0]
:forwarding_rule - [0:0]
:forwarding_wan - [0:0]
:input - [0:0]
:input_lan - [0:0]
:input_rule - [0:0]
:input_wan - [0:0]
:nat_reflection_fwd - [0:0]
:output - [0:0]
:output_rule - [0:0]
:reject - [0:0]
:syn_flood - [0:0]
:zone_lan - [0:0]
:zone_lan_ACCEPT - [0:0]
:zone_lan_DROP - [0:0]
:zone_lan_REJECT - [0:0]
:zone_lan_forward - [0:0]
:zone_wan - [0:0]
:zone_wan_ACCEPT - [0:0]
:zone_wan_DROP - [0:0]
:zone_wan_REJECT - [0:0]
:zone_wan_forward - [0:0]
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT 
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j syn_flood 
-A INPUT -j input_rule 
-A INPUT -j input 
-A FORWARD -j forwarding_rule 
-A FORWARD -j forward 
-A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT 
-A OUTPUT -j output_rule 
-A OUTPUT -j output 
-A forward -i br-lan -j zone_lan_forward 
-A forward -i eth0.1 -j zone_wan_forward 
-A forwarding_rule -j nat_reflection_fwd 
-A input -i br-lan -j zone_lan 
-A input -i eth0.1 -j zone_wan 
-A output -j zone_lan_ACCEPT 
-A output -j zone_wan_ACCEPT 
-A reject -p tcp -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset 
-A reject -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable 
-A syn_flood -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -m limit --limit 25/sec --limit-burst 50 -j RETURN 
-A syn_flood -j DROP 
-A zone_lan -j input_lan 
-A zone_lan -j zone_lan_ACCEPT 
-A zone_lan_ACCEPT -o br-lan -j ACCEPT 
-A zone_lan_ACCEPT -i br-lan -j ACCEPT 
-A zone_lan_DROP -o br-lan -j DROP 
-A zone_lan_DROP -i br-lan -j DROP 
-A zone_lan_REJECT -o br-lan -j reject 
-A zone_lan_REJECT -i br-lan -j reject 
-A zone_lan_forward -d -j zone_wan_ACCEPT 
-A zone_lan_forward -d -j zone_wan_ACCEPT 
-A zone_lan_forward -j forwarding_lan 
-A zone_lan_forward -j zone_lan_ACCEPT 
-A zone_wan -p udp -m udp --dport 68 -j ACCEPT 
-A zone_wan -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT 
-A zone_wan -j input_wan 
-A zone_wan -j zone_wan_ACCEPT 
-A zone_wan_ACCEPT -o eth0.1 -j ACCEPT 
-A zone_wan_ACCEPT -i eth0.1 -j ACCEPT 
-A zone_wan_DROP -o eth0.1 -j DROP 
-A zone_wan_DROP -i eth0.1 -j DROP 
-A zone_wan_REJECT -o eth0.1 -j reject 
-A zone_wan_REJECT -i eth0.1 -j reject 
-A zone_wan_forward -j forwarding_wan 
-A zone_wan_forward -j zone_wan_ACCEPT 
# Completed on Mon Sep 12 13:18:04 2011

The discussion point was to not recommend buying devices in 2019 with single core SoC, fast ethernet, 802.11n wifi, 8 MB flash and 64 MB of RAM from generation 2013, when also devices with multi core SoC, gigabit ethernet, 802.11ac, 128 MB flash and 256 MB RAM are available for about the same price.

If the older device is already in possession the situation is different. As I still hope you will understand the difference: I still recommend to NOT buy generation 2013 hardware in 2019 when you can get recent hardware with good OpenWrt support for about the same price.

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uci set firewall.@defaults[0].forward="REJECT"
uci commit firewall
/etc/init.d/firewall restart

I set up in the defaults config forward="REJECT", but I can access furthermore the full What goes wrong?

I know that the device is very old, but I use it for my audio system without internet access.

Perhaps the firmware is too old, so some features don't work as expected.
Just add another finishing rule to reject all the rest forward traffic.

Can you please define this rule for me?

If this does not work, I use it for hammer testing :grinning:

OK, here is the last rule and now it works...

config 'rule' 'reject_all'                        
        option 'src' 'lan'                        
        option 'dest' 'wan'                       
        option '_name' 'reject_all'               
        option 'target' 'DROP'                    
        option 'enabled' '1'  
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