WNDR4700 on 18.06.2

I recently installed 18.06.2 on WNDR4700 and wanted to exroot to install mqtt and domoticz. I had some 8 GB and 16GB sd cards that were working fine on my machine but were of vintage. They were not recognized. And, I had recently found freed up a newer 32GB and 64GB SDCARD (One Micro and other standard) and they were instantly recognized by the standard image. No need to install kmod ext4 or kmod storage or anything like that.

I was quickly able to exroot and install MQTT server as well as Domoticz. They installed like a charm and the web interface to Domoticz is very responsive.

I am trying to learn these.
I did not try Home Assistant as it needs a python 3.6 and default is python 2.x and when I "opkg install python3" it does install python 3.6 but when I check the version it still shows version 2.6.

Anyway love this box. Great processor and expand ability.


dmesg can help

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