Wireless pen testing with archer c7 v4

Hi everyone,
i have on my archer c7 v4 some recent snaphot of 2018jun18. i'm experiencing with openwrt after a little linux shadow boxing (kali rolling 2018.2). i'm a bit confused with wired/wireless interfaces on my router. under luci i see plenty radios (4 of them) in ssh terminal i see br-lan, br-wan, eth0.1,2,3 but all of them have same mac address except for ac radio. my plan is to access the c7 through 5ghz ac channel (which is done). this device has mac address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:x7. all the other devices have the same mac address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:x6. how can i clean up the mess to have a single bgn 2.4ghz device on hand beside the ac band.
aka wlan1 (for bgn) and wlan2 (for ac). like 1 adapter 1 mac and no haystack of virtual this and that.
i dont need wired connections as well. (like kali linux with 2 usb wifi adapter).
when i created a monitor mode interface (mon0) with airmon-ng start wlan1 reaver is not working if i change my mac address, it works only if the factory address set. so should i clean up the plentyful bridges /virtual adapters or change each mac address to be same (spoofed)

my bad, after few days of try and fails i can make it.
thanx anyhow

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