Wireless network scan goes down

What's the "problem"?

I ask because you're showing pings; but your title and issue seems to describe WiFi scan. The ping looks OK, except for the duplicate ping responses.

Do you have 2 devices with the same IP

  • Simple inquiry: How are your ping results copy/paste related to the WiFi scanning issue (i.e. what are you showing us/why are you showing it)?
    • Did you run a scan then ping and experience "the issue" (or something)?

No, the address is the address of the main router while is the address of the wifi on the pi.

This is the script I am using to ping the main router:

if ping -q -c 1 -W 1 >/dev/null; then
  echo "IPv4 is up"
  echo "IPv4 is down"
  iwinfo radio0 scan

However, it is freezing at the following line

iwinfo radio0 scan

suggesting there is a problem somewhere.

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The results of scan finally showed:

iwinfo radio0 scan
Cell 01 - Address:
          ESSID: unknown
          Mode: Master  Channel: 1
          Signal: -76 dBm  Quality: 34/70
          Encryption: WPA2 PSK (CCMP)
          HT Operation:
                    Primary Channel: 1
                    Secondary Channel Offset: no secondary
                    Channel Width: unknown

Cell 02 - Address: 
          ESSID: "mywifi"
          Mode: Master  Channel: 1
          Signal: -87 dBm  Quality: 23/70
          Encryption: WPA2 PSK (CCMP)
          HT Operation:
                    Primary Channel: 1
                    Secondary Channel Offset: no secondary
                    Channel Width: unknown

Cell 03 - Address: 
          ESSID: "1`B��:k�]`B"
          Mode: Mesh Point  Channel: 1
          Signal: -84 dBm  Quality: 26/70
          Encryption: none
          HT Operation:
                    Primary Channel: 0
                    Secondary Channel Offset: no secondary
                    Channel Width: unknown

My wifi is the 02 listed but not sure how to remove the other two because I don´t know where the information is stored?

Thank you for this information!


  • I was able to run iwinfo radio1 scan on a WAX202 AP 5.4 GHz with no issue. It stopped connection briefly and returned connectivity in less than 2-3 seconds
  • I ran iwinfo radio0 scan this on an MX60W in 2.4 GHz Client mode - it worked - but connection for about 15 seconds

Seems normal.

No issue, simply remove the scan line.


  • I would suggest stop running scans on OpenWrt devices connected as clients.
  • :wink: Ensure your SSH timeout/keepalive is sufficient on the client

Any idea on the post above yours?

  • This seems like another inquiry
  • This is on-air information, so I'm lost at the basis of your inquiry
  • To remove the other 2, you turn them off
  • This information is not stored - they're the results of an on-air :satellite: :signal_strength: radio scan

I'm not sure how to say this. Lets call my wifi wan "my wifi"

In openwrt 21.x and below if I selected scan on my WiFi WAN it would immediately start scanning for access points.
What I think is happening now is that instead of seamlessly changing from a client to monitor mode it gets hung up somewhere and now I have to manually disable "my WiFi" to get it scan

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