Wifi Log: iw phy phy0 set antenna all all


Running OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r8430-4d5b0ef in my Archer C2600, checking logs I could see:

Mon Nov 12 18:18:14 2018 user.notice mac80211: Failed command: iw phy phy0 set antenna all all
Mon Nov 12 18:18:14 2018 daemon.notice netifd: radio0 (660): command failed: Not supported (-95)
Mon Nov 12 18:18:14 2018 user.notice mac80211: Failed command: iw phy phy0 set distance 0
Mon Nov 12 18:18:15 2018 user.notice mac80211: Failed command: iw phy phy1 set antenna all all
Mon Nov 12 18:18:15 2018 daemon.notice netifd: radio1 (661): command failed: Not supported (-95)
Mon Nov 12 18:18:15 2018 user.notice mac80211: Failed command: iw phy phy1 set distance 0
Mon Nov 12 18:18:15 2018 daemon.err hostapd: Configuration file: /var/run/hostapd-phy1.conf
Mon Nov 12 18:18:15 2018 daemon.err hostapd: Configuration file: /var/run/hostapd-phy0.conf

Wifi is working fine, but, any idea what's about this "failed" log?

Many Thanks,

Antenna selection is generally not supported on MIMO devices. MIMO has fully independent signal processing which always works in parallel on all the antennas.

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And why is trying to do it? It's a bug? Can I disable it in some way?

If there are antenna settings in /etc/config/wireless, you should remove them.

Otherwise don't worry about it. It is only a warning not a fatal error.


Nothing in the wireless config file.
Thanks @mk24 for your help.

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The relevant code is found here:

The initial value "all" is replaced by 0xffffffff, and this is not an acceptable value for all devices.

Haven't got an idea how to fix this, though.

As I understand it, the antenna setting is a bitmap. The setting of all ones means by default use all existing antennas. If some bit is set to zero, the driver will not use that antenna.

On some device where a setting of all ones is not proper, wouldn't you just put the appropriate rxantenna or txantenna setting in /etc/config/wireless?