Wifi 6e fast access point

The Banana Pi BPI-R3 is based on the filogic 830 and is by far the best of them all. I have one myself, and it's an excellent device. The Redmi AX6000 is also based on the 830.

slh hinted, though he did not say, that the filogic 830 supported Wifi 6e. This is not the case with any Filogic 830 device on the market. The BPI-R3 can be made to accept the same AsiaRF Wifi 6e card I mentioned above, but it requires an adapter and the design of the board makes it difficult to do - the m.2 card slot you need to use the adapter on is, unfortunately, on the bottom of the board and thermal issues become very significant if you try to use any wi-fi module on an R3. If you really want WiFi 6e today, I suggest the BPI-R64 as the main board.


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