Why the switch to unstable ath10k-ct?


Thanks for the help! To confirm I did the following opkg commands below... It seems to work, but my it is unstable under dumb AP mode. https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/wifi/dumbap

Unstable as in once I start a speed on my phone. It suddenly disconnects and web GUI is frozen. After waiting web GUI comes back up.

However when my UBNT AP AC Lite is in router mode with the eth0 set as WAN and the WiFi chips on LAN it's stable.

opkg update
opkg install ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
opkg install ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct-htt
opkg remove kmod-ath10k
opkg remove ath10k-firmware-qca988x

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