Why have my posts been deleted?

I just posted the same post in two catagories because it had elements of both catagories in it. i didnt know which catagory to post it in so put it in both, im very new to this forum and was just asking for some advice, there was nothing inappropriate or offensive in it, so why were both deleted?

While I did not action on your posts, we have a rule that users do not cross-post. The reason is twofold.

  1. it clutters the forum unnecessarily
  2. it causes confusion when the discussion is bifurcated since each thread may have different context/information and advice.
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You can see all your posts and topics here:

I asked you to delete duplicate of the post, which at first sight does not even look OpenWRT related.


Just to clarify, I did delete one of your two largely identical posts.


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