Who can make a ipk of homebridge available on OpenWrt?

Who can make a ipk of homebridge available on openwrt?I want use HomeKit on Apple,but I can't programing.But I know a software named homebridge,and it can be used on raspberry pi.So can anyone make a ipk available on Lede?

  • Are you sure that this software needs to be compiled?

This repisitory doesn't appear to contain source code.

Also, would this help?

It would help a potential developer if you provided links to the documentation, git repo, etc. so they could decide whether it's feasible/possible/easy to do...

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I find this from github.Is this useful for you??

I'm not a developer, but I do think it'll be helpful for someone who wants to know about homebridge. Thanks.

Homebridge can connect Apple's HomeKit and third party smart devices.