Which router for 10GB fibre connection

So, being swiss and all, maybe directly contact pcengines (https://www.pcengines.ch/) first?
Their APU2 devices should be quite decent for your current 200/200 plan, at least for SQM....

Thanks. I am not Swiss, I live in Swiss.

I am not a guru, this stuff looks too complicated. I need some easy setup.

This the problem in this forum: I love Open Source, but I need easy and understandable stuff.

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Ah, sorry, thanks for the clarification. I should have been more clear, "being in switzerland" instead of being Swiss, my point was that price & VAT issues might be least by buying locally.

Ah, that is what all/most of us wish for; interestingly, along the way one typically picks up enough knowledge and admin skills that tasks that looked daunting initially get more and more manageable :wink:

One thing to keep in mind in the understandable quest for simplicity, sometimes reality is simply complex and so solutions that allow for generality and options will not be simple or they will not be general.

As an example, take SQM, this aims at having few knobs and toggles (and yet its documentation is anything but short), but at the same time it does not allow all of the configurations people actively search for and request. For SQM that was a conscious decision to built an AQM/QoS system "for the rest of us" instead of aiming for perfection, as most users would be helped quite a lot with a generic AQM framework that aims for both "do no harm" and "good enough".


too expensive if you ask me.

I am not Swedish :neutral_face:

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I use the forum search for the term "forteklager" and got only 8 hits


It will take a lot of CPU oomph to reliably route 10GbE. Also, with that kind of connection, buffer bloat is not an issue. There were couple of guys that tested running OpenWRT on relatively quick x86 hardware and I believe they reached around 6-7Gbit/sec.

That being said, trying to utilize 10GbE connection in home environment is vain. For such routing needs, network cards themselves will use 10's of Watts, with CPU cooling etc on the top of it. As long as you are content with 1Gbit/sec, you can route that with 8 years old Archer C7 with stock firmware (or around 800Mbit with OpenWRt using HW offload). Or you could get a fanless mini PC running Intel Atom and it will route 1Gbit all day long without breaking a sweat and draw 10W at most.