Which image have I flashed?

Sorry, I had a GitHub page up and just went to the repo and looked at the README.md.

So, your OpenWrt factory.img date/time will be correct. That is when you built the OpenWrt firmware image.

What you really want I think is the last build date of the noted service application that you compiled from source that works on OpenWrt (it won’t be reflected in /rom).

Try: ls --full-time /usr/lib/libsavl.so.0.7. Returned timestamp will give you the last date/time you compiled the app.

You are apparently building from the 21.02.2 tag, so the date is set to the commit date/time of the last commit there. That is the normal default behaviour

committer Felix Fietkau nbd@nbd.name
Wed, 16 Feb 2022 23:29:10 +0300 (21:29 +0100)

(Personally I override that default behaviour in my own build scripts, so that I get the actual build date as the date stamp.)

And the timestamp is actually locked in the version.date file included in the tag. See https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/openwrt.git;a=commitdiff;h=30e2782e0647a837044ada77ce86b29c5af8a9f2

I do this in my own scripts, before the build, so that the current date is set as the file date:
date +%s > version.date

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Thanks all, some very useful information. I hadn't realized the build date would be set based on the last commit for 21.02.2. Looks like I'll have to either give future builds a more descriptive name during build or look further into the scripts as per @hnyman and @ppoe

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