Where to find a usable 18.06 openwrt docker image?

I am trying to building it from the following Dockerfile

# curl -sL http://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/18.06.2/targets/x86/64/openwrt-18.06.2-x86-64-generic-rootfs.tar.gz | docker import - lygstate/openwrt-x86-64:18.06.2 && docker push lygstate/openwrt-x86-64:18.06.2
# curl -sL http://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/17.01.6/targets/x86/64/lede-17.01.6-x86-64-generic-rootfs.tar.gz | docker import - lygstate/openwrt-x86-64:17.01.6 && docker push lygstate/openwrt-x86-64:17.01.6

FROM lygstate/openwrt-x86-64:18.06.2
# FROM katta/openwrt-rootfs:18.06.1
# FROM katta/openwrt-rootfs:lede-17.01.6
# FROM katta/openwrt-rootfs:15.05

RUN mkdir -p /var/lock \
  && mkdir -p /var/run \
  && opkg update \
  && opkg install \
    luci \
    luci-ssl \
    luci-theme-openwrt \
    luci-i18n-base-zh-cn \
  && rm /var/opkg-lists/* \
  && /etc/init.d/dropbear enable

EXPOSE 80 443 22

VOLUME /etc/config/

USER root

CMD ["/sbin/init"]

# docker build . -t lygstate/openwrt-x86-64-luci:18.06.2 && docker push lygstate/openwrt-x86-64-luci:18.06.2
# docker build . -t lygstate/openwrt-x86-64-luci:18.06.1 && docker push lygstate/openwrt-x86-64-luci:18.06.1
# docker build . -t lygstate/openwrt-x86-64-luci:17.01.6 && docker push lygstate/openwrt-x86-64-luci:17.01.6
# docker build . -t lygstate/openwrt-x86-64-luci:15.05 && docker push lygstate/openwrt-x86-64-luci:15.05

But running failed. The luci:15.05 works, but luci:17.01.6 and upper failed.