Where is the morse trigger gone

Hi all,
I used kmod-ledtrig-morse in Chaos-Calmer a time ago.
Now I installed LEDE 17.01.4 on an DLink DIR-505 and want to send messages on it´s unique LED, but as I tried to install kmod-ledtrig-morse package, it was not found. Why was it removed? Is there any similar solution?
Best regards,

Write to the LED brightness registers from a program of some sort.

As an example of one place to find them, on an Archer C7 v2 running on master and ath79 platform:

jeff@office:~$ cat /sys/class/leds/tp-link\:blue\:system/brightness 
jeff@office:~$ cat /sys/class/leds/tp-link\:blue\:system/max_brightness 

It was removed in 2016. Likely because it was just a hack here, and would have needed modernization for new kernels.