Where can I find all DSA device and bridge-vlan options?

I'm wondering where I can find the current documentation about Network configuration for DSA Switch/Bridge configuration options?
What can be used on config device when option type bridge is used?
What can be used on config bridge-vlan?
Is this section https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/network_configuration#bridge_options still up to date (in regard when a single vlan aware bridge is used)?


At least in the meantime I got to know that you can set macaddr within an interface stanza. (I, wrongfully, thought it could only be set on device.)

Example snippet from OpenWrt 23.05.5 on x86:

config device
    option  name            'br-vlan'
    option  type            'bridge'
    list    ports           'eth0'
    option  macaddr         '02:00:01:01:00:01'

# VLAN 16/0x10
config bridge-vlan
    option  device          'br-vlan'
    option  vlan            '16'
    list    ports           'eth0:t'

config interface            'vlan16'
    option  device          'br-vlan.16'
    option  macaddr         '02:00:01:01:00:10'
    option  proto           'static'
    option  ipaddr          ''
    list    ip6ifaceid      '::1'
    list    ip6ifaceid      'eui64'
    option  ip6assign       '64'
    option  ip6hint         '10'

# VLAN 17/0x11
config bridge-vlan
    option  device          'br-vlan'
    option  vlan            '17'
    list    ports           'eth0:t'

config interface            'vlan17'
    option  device          'br-vlan.17'
    option  macaddr         '02:00:01:01:00:11'
    option  proto           'static'
    option  ipaddr          ''
    list    ip6ifaceid      '::1'
    list    ip6ifaceid      'eui64'
    option  ip6assign       '64'
    option  ip6hint         '11'
# ip -br link
eth0               UP             20:7c:14:a2:b0:84 <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP>
br-vlan            UP             02:00:01:01:00:01 <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP>
br-vlan.16@br-vlan UP             02:00:01:01:00:10 <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP>
br-vlan.17@br-vlan UP             02:00:01:01:00:11 <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP>

# bridge vlan
port              vlan-id
eth0              16
br-vlan           16


(First web search result for 'DSA OpenWrt')

You are kidding, right?
I'm looking for a list of UCI settings, like this one https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/base-system/dhcp

Not kidding.

There are networking examples found there. I literally assisted a noob - he configured his device (by himself) using the Wiki.

Maybe this direct link?

No. I just want a list of all available options for bridge-vlan and device IF a VLAN-aware bridge is used.

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