When will TL-XDR5410 version be released?


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This model does not appear to be supported by OpenWrt.

The configuration of TL-XDR5410 meets the requirements of OpenWrt. When will the developer release this model

It still lacks a major requirement, someone (who could be you) having submitted a patchset or pull request adding the sourceful changes to support this device. It does not exactly help that the whole target (ipq50xx) isn't supported by OpenWrt yet (neither is there anyone working on it so far and its mainline status is rather pitiful as well), nor that this particular device only has a rather regional deployment (it's pretty much a China only device, meaning it's pretty much unavailable and unheard of in Europe, with barely any information about it, but ath11k with merely 256 MB RAM is going to be a hard no-go).

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I got this router from Aliexpress and I've looked at it a bit. Seems that given that the ipq50xx is being added to OpenWrt this could work.
It has a custom firmware from TPLink that's based on QSDK from Qualcomm that's in turn based on OpenWrt 15.05.
The main problem will be with the upgrade images as I'm trying to understand what formare they're in.
The upgrade seems to go though a binary /bin/dms . I guess it's some proprietary TPLink stuff.

not really:

I'm not sure of the exact figures but I think 256MB is not that small and maybe a custom firmware could be built.

OOM every day, a wet dream come true....

512 MB RAM is already very tight on ipq807x, 256 MB RAM with two ath11k radios is not going to happen, nor will it be merged. QCA's ipqxxxx SOCs and ath10k/ ath11k/ ath12k radios are very wasteful in terms of RAM utilization.

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