What’s the proper format for custom commands in local startup?

Hello. I have a R7800 and I’m trying to set the CPU to performance. Not sure where to put the following commands in local startup:

echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_governor

echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy1/scaling_governor

Do I erase everything above exit 0 and paste it there with the pound symbol before both commands and do I leave a space between the two commands? Sorry for what may seem like silly questions, still kind of new here.

You leave everything as it is, and just insert your two commands above exit 0 in /etc/rc.local, without touching anything else.

Oh ok. Thanks for the response. I forgot to mention I was trying to do it through luci.

You can do that in Luci. Go to System->Startup and select the 'Local Startup' tab. That allows you to edit rc.local from within Luci.

Oh okay. I get it now. Thanks guys.

Please re-read this:

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