What router buy in 2024 up to 150$

i prefer long range as possible routers i live in a house whit large garden and i want wifi at end of the garden its about 150Meters and my house has large walls
whit latest openwrt support
and high preformance cpu
and wifi6 if possible
gigabit ethernet
if possible large rom & ram
and price up to 150$

are the clients connecting to this device able to send data back from a distance of 150m ?

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Pretty much independent of the budget, this is not going to happen, regardless of the budget. Walls are walls, and they will kill your range, always.

Things may be possible with outdoor APs and a (semi-) directional point-to-point link, so at least three devices (more likely four) - and the budget will require quite some leeway for this as well.

my laptop can receive wifi from about 70Meters i know phones can't send signal back but i don't want to have bottleneck on router side.

no worries, since you don't have any clients capable of sending data back from 150m away, there's never going to be a bottleneck ...

and can you recommend me some models of routers that have high power wifi modems and great wifi anntennas

problem isn't the router/AP side, unless you follow @slh's advice ...

for explame asus RT-ax54 is good chose or there can be a better choice

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You have electricity in the barn - use powerline extender.... For 75m cover you will still need outdoor wall mounted AP. That goes above 150 bucks,