What happened to luci-app-rclone?

Looking at this topic, luci-app-rclone was part of the Rclone package.

I see that it’s mentioned here, but how do I get it into LuCI?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you,

I myself simply use rclone on the command line (with help from service script) without any LuCi integration. Works just fine for my purposes (mounting OneDrive to samba share so that files sent to the samba share by my scanner will get uploaded by rclone to OneDrive). I wonder why you would like or need LuCi integration?

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Not in OpenWrt it wasn't.

OpenWrt is a community-driven project. Unless someone steps up to migrate existing luci-app-rclone code to javascript/RPCD-script and send PR to the openwrt/luci repo, the luci-app-rclone is not going to happen.

There's a separate WebUI for rclone, why won't you use that?

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I found what I was looking for here

I've just tried to run rclone-webui-react but I get Not Found under the routerIP:5572

root@QNAP:~# rclone rcd --rc-web-gui --rc-user=admin --rc-pass=test
2024/03/20 09:38:20 NOTICE: Web GUI exists. Update skipped.
2024/03/20 09:38:20 NOTICE: Serving Web GUI
2024/03/20 09:38:20 NOTICE: Serving remote control on

Anyone able to use this?
I use a compile from the main openwrt branch.

I know. I use

I see the login prompt at the address but when I login I get Not Found.


I misunderstood the problem :frowning:

you're using the wrong URL, try

also, there's a config file and a service init.d you're supposed to use, when you start it.

Thanks. I've just seen that in the readme and was about to try it.
It's interesting that it shows the login page but when I enter the user name and pass I cannot login

correct, since the top field URL is wrong.

it's seems to be some stupid default, not coming from openwrt.
desn't work either

not going to tell you, since you've already posted it yourself, use you head ... :wink:

Thanks a lot I've found it. Stupid indeed, maybe I don't get the logic.
Or it's simply how it was intended to work,

I use ksmbd for sharing. It works.
Is this your script?
Maybe there is a small error in the script.
So far I configured cloud storage for use and have access to the files via CLI and via local shares (with ksmbd).
As far as I have tried the GUI rclone-webui-react doesn't work. At least for me it was crashing rclone. I've configured everything via CLI.
Everything is OK now.
Thanks a lot.
This is the script I adapted for my needs.

#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common

# Copyright (C) 2007 OpenWrt.org

export PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
export HOME=/root

exec &> /tmp/mount-rclone.log


sleep 40
       rclone mkdir /tmp/gdrive #--config /root/.config/rclone/
       rclone mount "gdrive:/" /tmp/gdrive/ --use-mmap --buffer-size 0 --cache-dir /tmp --vfs-cache-mode writes --vfs-cache-max-age 0s --umask 000 --allow-other --daemon #--config /root/.config/rclone/

       fusermount3 -zu /tmp/gdrive
       rclone rmdir /tmp/gdrive #--config /root/.config/rclone/

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