What are the best software to install with OpenWrt?

Just a question please, i installed adblock, but it is not working at all and i dont know where the mistake is, any tips?

Here is my config:

cat /etc/config/adblock 

config adblock 'global'
	option adb_enabled '1'
	option adb_debug '0'
	option adb_forcedns '0'
	option adb_safesearch '0'
	option adb_dnsfilereset '0'
	option adb_mail '0'
	option adb_report '0'
	option adb_backup '1'
	option adb_maxqueue '4'
	option adb_dns 'unbound'
	option adb_fetchutil 'uclient-fetch'
	list adb_sources 'adaway'
	list adb_sources 'adguard'
	list adb_sources 'bitcoin'
	list adb_sources 'disconnect'
	list adb_sources 'dshield'
	list adb_sources 'energized_blugo'
	list adb_sources 'energized_blu'
	list adb_sources 'malwaredomains'
	list adb_sources 'malwarelist'
	list adb_sources 'notracking'
	list adb_sources 'reg_fr'
	list adb_sources 'youtube'
	list adb_sources 'yoyo'

Does it make it?

Nope i dont know whats wrong.

Mine is:

config adblock 'global'
	option adb_enabled '1'
	option adb_debug '0'
	option adb_forcedns '0'
	option adb_safesearch '0'
	option adb_dnsfilereset '0'
	option adb_mail '0'
	option adb_report '0'
	option adb_backup '1'
	option adb_maxqueue '4'
	option adb_dns 'unbound'
	option adb_fetchutil 'uclient-fetch'
	option adb_dnsflush '1'
	list adb_sources 'adaway'
	list adb_sources 'adguard'
	list adb_sources 'smarttv'
	list adb_sources 'winhelp'

LuCi should display information about loaded DNSBL (DNS black lists). It means that the service is up and running. Then visit an address to verify adds are being blocked.

YEah thats how it shows:


Configuration of the adblock package to block ad/abuse domains by using DNS. For further information check the online documentation


Status / Version

enabled / 4.0.6

Blocked Domains


Active Sources

adaway, adguard, smarttv, winhelp

DNS Backend

unbound, /var/lib/unbound

Run Utils

/bin/uclient-fetch, /usr/bin/awk

Run Interfaces

trigger: wan, report: -

Run Directories

base: /tmp, backup: /tmp, report: /tmp, jail: /tmp

Run Flags

backup: 1, reset: 0, flush: 1, force: 0, search: 0, report: 0, mail: 0, jail: 0

Last Run

start, 0m 51s, 124/63/48, 17.08.2020 16:04:58

But once i visit the speedtest.net for example its full of ads.

If you still see adds, you need more DNSBLs.

No, something is wrong, its not blocking any add on any website. I think its not downloading the host files maybe

If you've recently upgraded BusyBox, check out this thread:

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Hi are you using unbound or DNSmasq? You need onley one dns server installed at the same time.

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Why don’t you use a wireguard vpn ?

I am using wireguard indeed, I will ask for some information in another thread.

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I tried everything, it didnt worked, so what i did, i installed simple adblock, that one worked.

How do i block youtube ads? Those are the main reason for me to block ads.

I just installed luci-app-statistics for statistcs history.

To display temperature, read this forum thread:

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You can use the forum search to find the answer.

Already used and could not find, would be easier if you were nice to tell.
Edit: ok found it, but i wonder then how people block it if they have an smartv for example? I saw something related to pihole that they were able to block it but i have no clue.

So far I only read network-related answers to your question.
I would like to add "Domoticz" as home automation system.
I personally use a lot of wifi power plugs (with and without power metering) in my house. I reflashed them with free and open source Tasmota firmware and the integration into Domoticz needs only few clicks.
Domoticz can then collect the power consumption data and temperatures and visualizes them for me. It is also easy to add a floor plan (image) of your house, position icons for the plugs and control your devices by click.
Tasmota itself is very powerful yet but in combination with Domoticz as control center it is really nice...

But take care to change the storage path of your Domoticz database (i.e. to home folder) after the initial installation. If not you will lose it after restart of the device.

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That's an fantastic tip! i will check it out =)

Thank you very much!

I read on other forums that it is not possible to completely block YouTube ads with DNS-based content filter, it requires you to utilize browser-based content filter like uBlock Origin.


Yeah too bad, thank you so much.

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opkg install luci-ssl
is important to connect to LuCi in SSL.

Then restart uhttpd:
/etc/init.d/uhttpd restart

Then remove http connection by setting in /etc/config/uhttpd

        # HTTP listen addresses, multiple allowed
        #list listen_http
        #list listen_http       [::]:80